Archive | 2002

Post dated 2002-05-14 00:00:00

Tuesday, 14 May, 2002

Grocery shopping was the highlight of the day.
The iServe announcement was the highlight of many others, including Doc Searl’s Blog.

I bought the combo deal of pdfFactoryPro and FinePrint from the same named company yesterday, and had them installed, registered and running in less than 15 minutes. Produced my PDF and sent it off to the client. This is how software is supposed to work!

Post dated 2002-05-12 00:00:00

Sunday, 12 May, 2002

Some interesting surfing over the weekend.

  • Ed Yourdan is blogging! But not very often 🙂
  • Yourdon’s recommended Cool Papers made the surf worthwhile
  • OpenWiki sounds like a promising technology.
  • TopStyle looks like a cool stylesheet editor
  • Installed SourceOffSite today. Cool stuff!
  • The Mozilla crowd has an Active X control that will emulate IE, so that it can be used instead of IE. That might be an interesting opportunity to compare the IE and Gecko rendering engines and abilities.
  • The IISFAQ is a cool site for articles on working with IIS.

Post dated 2002-05-11 00:00:00

Saturday, 11 May, 2002

Another beautiful Saturday spent working on the house! Rebuild four window screens for the porch, cleaned, mowed the lawn, swapped out the storms for screens on the rest of the house. Glorious!

Post dated 2002-05-10 00:00:00

Friday, 10 May, 2002

A busy day of work. Closed up the books on my sugar daddy client for the first four months. Time to get back to scratching for work.

Spent the evening at Home Depot, buying DIY supplies for the weekend. What a wild bunch – the fun never stops!

TWikiGuest – 10 May 2002

Post dated 2002-05-08 00:00:00

Wednesday, 08 May, 2002

Wrote a little ditty last night to to try compile each element of a VFP project, displaying a WAIT WINDOW for each. This would allow a developer to detect which file is the problem when receiving the annoying “Cannot update the cursor” error message.

Post dated 2002-05-07 00:00:00

Tuesday, 07 May, 2002

Tuesday, and more stuff going on. is an interesting site with news on wireless networking. A good use of blogging, too, I think.

  • Project Manager X: Rebuilding the FoxPro Project Manager from Inside
    • Basic Design Guidelines
      • Project Manager accessed as a hidden controller
      • Support for multiple user interfaces
      • Support for multiple project hooks

Project Manager X: Rebuilding the FoxPro? Project Manager from Inside

The Project Manager built into FoxPro? solves about 99% of the needs o f most developers, but the remainder can be frustratingly hard to reach. This project is designed to create several layers of programmable, extensible interfaces that will allow developers to create and share the add-ons that they need for their projects.

Basic Design Guidelines

The challenge with the design is that we cannot be sure what needs the next developer will have, so we want to make a set of interfaces most easy to access, difficult to break, and good at cooperatively having multiple extensions share access.

Project Manager accessed as a hidden controller

The project manager itself needs to be instantiated as an invisible object, visible only through the PMX programming interfaces. This will prevent inadvertant interference.

Support for multiple user interfaces

One of the key features will be support for multiple user interfaces. A “Classic” user interface can duplicate much of the functionality of the original Project Manager. An “Explorer” interface can present a treeview and file list interface. A “Favorites” tab can be added. Perhaps the ability to dynamically define organizational schemes is needed by some. A toolbar interface to add additional tools might be needed. The design key here is that the user inteface need not dictate the underlying inteface of the PMX. Separation of UI from business logic.

Support for multiple project hooks

Toni Feltman has a great design in ProjectHookX? that allows chaining of multiple well-behaved project hooks. This needs to be supported.

Sunday, 05 May, 2002

Had a great break in the middle of the day – took the dogs on a mile-long hike through the Hopkinton State Fair Grounds.

Other than that, worked on IIS 5.0, securing the new Windows server. Links of interest:


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