Archive | 2005

The RSS Bubble

Dan points to brother Steve’s posting on The RSS Bubble.

  • Steve Gillmor: Bodcasting. “Splash! Fwoop! Znorf. It’s the sound of nextgen RSS plays parachuting into the Valley, Rte. 128, and everywhere there’s a broadband connection. Odeo, Brightcove, ourmedia, the Times — by this time next spring the forest will be thick with bees circling in search of unpolinated flowers. The RSS Bubble is here.”
  • Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.

    Dust off those business plans! Search and replace ASP with RSS! Crank up the burn rate. man, does this game ever end?

    Trade Secrets and the media

    Daring Fireball pokes big holes in the argument that Think Secret is a journalist with his entry “On the Credibility of The New York Times:”

    Reporters for The New York Times don’t do this. They may engage in speculation about upcoming products — including Apple’s — but not by engaging sources willing to reveal a company’s trade secrets.

    Freedom of the Press vs. Journalism

    Andrew MacNeill blogs: Legal status of bloggers debated / Journalists’ shield claimed in response to Apple’s lawsuit “It’s a tough call…for every Ted Roche, who provides links to valuable information, there’s a Madge or a ______ ( put your own name in here)….who is simply providing their own …. Stop – even Ted provides his own commentary on his posts…if I go to a journalism school, does that make me any better? “

    Where you went to school shouldn’t make as much a difference as how your publication is representing itself. Andrew and I post blogs of our personal opinions. Don’t like it? Get your own. Post dissenting comments. Don’t read our blogs. Otoh, web sites representing themselves as news sites should be expected to follow some commonly-accepted guidelines and get called on it when they don’t.

    I’m not sure what the law is in Canada, but the U.S. system is a mess (surprised?). The U.S. Consititutions’s Bill of Rights provides for “freedom of the press” in Amendment 1:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


    The freedom of press that most see expanded to “freedom of expression in speech, print, audio, video, radio, blog” allows for the expression of facts and opinions, especially the freedom to express dissent. Freedom of the press and speech is intended to ensure the citizenry have the right to air political dissent and discussion, vital to a healthy democracy. Whether the next iPod will come in purple just doesn’t enter the discussion at this level.

    The Constitution doesn’t speak to the responsibility of professional newspeople to speak the truth.

    The tradition that journalists have a right to protect their sources to whom they have given a promise of confidentiality is not a Constitutional right, but it is one that is granted by state “shield laws” in some but not all states. While the confidentiality provisions of client-attorney or doctor-patient privileges can be tested by the standard that the attorney or doctor is licensed to practice their profession, there is no professional licensing of journalists and so I think the question of where to draw the line is more difficult.

    One of the other problems I have with the reporting of this issue is the characterization of the web sites involved as blogs. Again, there is no one, firm definition of blog that we can get the millions of bloggers to agree with, but my opinion is that a blog is a journal of a single person or small group expressing their opinions and reporting on, pointing to, and commenting on news. A blog is a journal, but a journal is not capital-J Journalism.

    The ThinkSecret web site is a news site, not a diary. It reports news and rumors about what’s happening at Apple. Apple is notoriously close-mouthed about their inventions, preferring that the news of new products arrives with great surprise at their well-managed press presentations. That’s Apple’s choice. They would be foolish if they did not think that the buzz and rumors leading up to each of their shows doesn’t raise the level of expectation and excitement. Buzz is good.

    On the other hand, news is news and gets reported. Some of the news is rumor, some of it is wrong. Capital-J Journalists get people to pay for their New York Times by maintaining a high level of integrity and following the principles of Journalism: impartiality, verification, objectivity. Obviously, even the “newspaper of record” is not perfect, with the failings in recent years of the Jason Blair incident and the questionable association of Judith Miller and Ahmad Chalabi. Supermarket tabloids are at the other end of the spectrum. The rest of the world falls in between. ThinkSecret is a news site, and therefore its owner a journalist of a sort. My blog is my portal for my opinion and therefore not journalism.

    Finally, the judge ruled that the web sites were releasing information that Apple claimed were trade secrets, and therefore effectively dealing in stolen property. This is a terrible precedent if it is allowed to stand. Who rules what a company can claim as a trade secret and demand its release be persecuted as a criminal offense? Can any rumor, speculation or allegation covered by the press be considered felonious stealing of private property? How are whistle-blowers protected by this?

    Apple has a problem with someone(s) inside their organization leaking information the company would prefer remain confidential. (It may not even be a mole, but rather a supplier or vendor – or bartender.) The person(s) may or may not be under contractual agreements with Apple forbidding such disclosures. (If Apple Marketing has half the brains I think they do, they have people intentionally leaking similar information.) Apple has a civil, contractual problem with those individuals and perhaps a criminal case. Once that individual publicizes (“makes public”) that information, the press is under no obligation to deal with it any differently than any other information. Does a newspaper receiving an anonymous tip have to check if the tipster is under contract to not reveal such information? The discloser may be committing a crime, but is the receiver? “Receiving stolen property” is a crime, but is “receiving information a company might claim is protected trade secrets?” Googling the phrases “according to ThinkSecret” and “according to Think Secret” comes up with hundreds of hit from other media outlets like, CNN and The Register. Are they dealing with “stolen property,” too?

    There are limits to that argument of course. A patented process is made public, but there is still a licensing requirement to use it. Copyrighted materials have pretty clear limitations. But information held confidential within a company? There’s a slippery slope here.

    Intellectual property is not real property

    “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

    — George Bernard Shaw

    Apple claims Trade Secrets stolen by rumor web sites

    Dan Gillmor blogs Apple’s “Trade Secrets”. “Reporting on business, if this bad ruling is upheld on appeal, will be a great deal harder in the future.”

    Andrew MacNeill posted something similar on his blog, and I started a reply in a comment there, thought a blog entry might be better, and (scope creep!), it grew into a full-fledged essay. I’m still working on that one, and it’s a bit scatter-brained, but wanted to save it to disk before it vanished into the ether… net.

    Microsoft and in negotiations for settlement

    Computerworld News reports “Burst, Microsoft reach tentative settlement in antitrust case. had filed its lawsuit against Microsoft in 2002, alleging that the software vendor stole patented technology and trade secrets concerning Internet-based video-on-demand for its Windows Media Player.

    This’ll be a real disappointment if it comes to pass, although Microsoft likely had little choice. Burst had pretty damning evidence that not only had Microsoft infringed on Burst’s intellectual property, but also alleged some pretty explosive evidence that Microsoft had systematically and intentionally destroyed email records to hide those earlier violations. This has been a crusade of the columnist known pseudonymously as Robert X. Cringely in columns here and here testify.

    AFFECT releases Twelve Principles for Fair Commerce in Software and Other Digital Products

    Ed Foster’s Gripelog column this week asks “Why You Should Stop Before You Click. This week the Americans For Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions (AFFECT) coalition announced its “Stop Before You Click” campaign promoting its 12 Principles for Fair Commerce in Software and Other Digital Products. But what does AFFECT mean by all that? After we stop before we click, what do we do next?”

    The Twelve Principles read like a great start on a new relationship between commercial software vendors (and electronic consumer products) and their customers. Here’s some of the preamble:

    When you buy an off-the-shelf product for yourself or your business, you expect the law to provide you with some basic rights. For example, your car will work as advertised. Or you will be allowed to legally sell the television set when you upgrade to a new one and you wouldn’t expect something as simple as lending a book to a friend to create any problems for you.

    It might surprise you to learn, then, that the rights you are accustomed to when you buy traditional goods and services may not apply when you purchase digital products.

    Vendors ought to study these ideas.

    Apress gives away free ebooks

    It seems that Apress is offering some of their older titles for free download. I snagged a copy of their “Programmers Introduction to PHP 4, ” a 4 megabyte, 478 page PDF. It looks like the full version of the book. The download site also offers the source code. The book includes a plug for the newer edition of PHP5 and MySQL, released in June of 2004. This is a smart move on Apress’ part. Hope it pans out for them financially.

    FBI: $170M spent on a failed project

    Computerworld News notes that “It’s official: FBI scraps $170M Virtual Case File project. FBI Director Robert Mueller, in testimony yesterday before a House subcommittee, confirmed that the agency has scrapped its $170 million Virtual Case File initiative.”

    Another one for the record books, another huge project crashing against the rocks. I do wonder if projects this large have a tendency to fail at a greater rate or if it is “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” that attracts all of the attention. In nearly twenty years of software development, I’ve only been involved in a few projects that were shuttered before they shipped. My experience is anecdotal and statistically insignificant, of course. Has anyone managed to collect a broad study of size vs. success?

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