Archive | 2014

Web Forms 2.0

HTML5 Powered with Semantics

At tomorrow’s Seacoast WordPress meeting, we’ll be doing a round-robin session where many attendees have volunteered to do short presentations on what’s new in HTML5. I’ll be covering the “features previously known as Web Forms 2.0” especially placeholder, required, autocomplete and the new Input types and output fields.
The best resources I’ve found are the WHATWG reference on forms and the CanIUse web page and the jQueryUI pages and plugin pages.

Ted Roche awarded FoxPro Lifetime Achievement Award

Picture of the Lifetime Achievement Award

FoxPro Lifetime Achievement Award

At the Southwest Fox 2013 conference, held in Gilbert, Arizona on October of 2013, I was awarded the FoxPro Lifetime Achievement Award. I am honored and humbled to recognized by the FoxPro community, a group of developers I hold in high esteem.

Sadly, I wasn’t able to attend the conference, but the keynote was live streamed and recorded at

I join an impressive group of people. All the award winners are listed in our equivalent of the FoxPro Hall of Fame here on the Fox wiki:


CentOS joins Red Hat

Well! This is quite a development. The CentOS group has announced that they have joined Red Hat. It will take some time to sort out exactly what that means. In short form and somewhat inaccurately, CentOS is/was a free (as in beer, as in speech) distribution of Linux built on the free (as in speech, not in beer) distribution of Red Hat. The Red Hat distribution was typically packaged up and only available as part of an annual support arrangement with Red Hat. The source is freely-available, and the CentOS group used that source, removing the proprietary Red Hat trademarks and logos, and distributed the source freely. Red Hat has been focused on delivering reliable enterprise-grade software, and hasn’t really be targeted to small- and medium-sized businesses such as mine nor my clients. CentOS has been my distro-of-choice for my servers for in-house development, on-site client services, and data-center-hosted services.

Now, the CentOS group has announced that they have “joined forces” with Red Hat. It will be interesting to see how this plays how, and how the roles of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Fedora distribution and CentOS plays out.

It hasn’t always been this way. I bought a box of RedHat (probably version 5.1) at Best Buy many years ago. Red Hat has tried reaching out to the smaller market before. There was also a developer/OEM program (I don’t recall the name) where individuals could obtain inexpensive copies of RHEL, less the support, for development and pilot testing. This is a new direction, and I look forward to seeing how it works out.

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols reports on the announcements for ZDNet here.

Notes from Seacoast WordPress group, 8 January 2014

The first 2014 meeting of the Seacoast WordPress group took place on Tuesday (not our usual night), January 8th, amid bitterly cold conditions in Portsmouth, NH. Nonetheless, we had a big crowd of a dozen attendees. I spoke on HTML5 and CSS3. My slides can be found at

Our next meeting is a week early, on January 29th. Join the group on Meetup for further details and to stay up on group news.

Thanks to Amanda Giles for organizing the meetup and Josh Cyr for providing the AlphaLoft meeting space.

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