Tag Archives | FoxPro

Off to Boston Area FoxPro User Group…

… meeting tonight. Details at http://www.bostonusergroups.com/vfpboston. Guy Pardoe will be continuing his excellent “Application Development Strategies” roundtable discussions from 6 to 7 PM. AppDevStrat discussions are highly interactive, well-moderated, and produce a lot of interesting information. We’re archiving the discussion transcripts on the web, using the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bafug group collaboration software. Apply for membership there if you’re interested.

Guy also takes the podium for the main meeting, where he will demonstrate moving FoxPro data over the web using WebConnection.

Should be an informative and entertaining evening.

Another new FoxPro RSS Feed!

Ed Leafe has opened up the OpenTech forum so that new posts appear in an RSS file located here: http://leafe.com/opentech.xml. Let’s see if we can avoid drowning in FoxPro forum posts…

Wine Update

Looks like we may have celebrated a bit too soon. The Wine project, an environment (not a slow emulator!) that lets Win32 programs run on non-Windows OSes (Linux, primarily), announced support for file locking that *should have* meant that Visual FoxPro, Access, Delphi, Office, and many other applications that depend on file locking would have another chunk of functionality working. Unfortunately, the problem is fixed but not fixed, and I’m still trying to sort out the details. It seems that Wine is doing it’s part – two VFP applications running on the same Wine session will respect each other’s file locks, but Samba, the SMB/CIFS emulator that lets Linux present network shares in Windows Neighborhood, does not support those locks over the network. Locking does seem to work on NFS shares. More as I figure it out…

VFP Eight-Oh is on the truck!

A picture named VFP8Box.jpegJust got word from http://www.foxtoolbox.com that they have shipping confirmation that Visual FoxPro boxes are on their way. FTB seems like a good company, run by a couple of FoxPro guys I’ve met, and they are offering very competitive prices on VFP upgrades and full versions. In addition, they promise to contribute 3% of their sales to VFP user groups. If you haven’t placed your order yet, jump on it! This is an upgrade worth getting.

Wine supports file locking!

In what could be considered a major compatibility milestone for the Wine project, support for file locking was introduced into the product. File locking is essential for ISAM-style database applications like Access, Visual FoxPro, dBASE and Paradox, and is also used in products like Microsoft Office. This vastly increases the utility of those tools on the Wine platform. Exciting progress!

Whil’s on the road

DAFUG – March 2003 Meeting. The Detroit Area Fox User Group (DAFUG) is proud to announce that Whil Hentzen of Hentzenwerke Publishing, will be presenting “New tools that will provide additional business opportunities for Fox developers” on Thursday March 20, 2003. This will be Whil’s third stop during his “Fox Is Everywhere” user group tour. Afterwards we will be discussing other FoxPro and developer topics at a local eatery. Directions, maps, email contacts, future meeting dates and topics, and other details can be found on our website www.dafug.org. [FoxCentral.Net]

Hand-code or use a power tool?

Jon Udell says the Secrets of the XML Gods are that they are cobbling together XML by hand. He cites Sean McGrath’s blog and Tim Bray’s XML Is Too Hard for Programmers essays. Dave Winer retorts that his tool of choice has a good XML compiler built in.

I’m stuck with a similar conundrum, only I am just starting out. Up until this point, I’ve cobbled together XML using the CursorToXML() function built in to Visual FoxPro, but that’s only suitable for flat, repetitious XML. With the FoxCentral RSS File, I just manually wrapped header and footer elements around transformed XML. But with some other projects, like SMBMeta, I need to create truly hierarchical, multiple one-to-zero-or-many structures, and CursorToXML isn’t built for that. I’m looking for a simple “Hello, World” example of creating a document with XMLDOM or another tool, adding attributes, elements and nodes to it. Anyone got one handy?

Another Hot Visual FoxPro Community…

User 10,000 at PortalFox – Usuario Numero 10,000. It is our Pleasure to say that Didac Royo from Sant Cugat, Spain. It is our PortalFox Register User 10,000
Nos es grato informar que D’dac Royo de Sant Cugat, Espa–a, es el usuario 10.000 de PortalFox.

Thank you very much for all your support at 3 years of the creation of PortalFox Web Site
Muchas gracias a todos por permitirnos llegar a este nœmero a 3 (TRES) a–os de la creaci—n de PortalFox

PortalFox Team
Equipo de PortalFox

VFUG March Newsletter

VFUG March Newsletter Now Available. VFUG (the Virtual FoxPro User Group) just released the March issue of its monthly newsletter. Articles in this issue include one by regular contributor Les Pinter, Email VFP Reports by Phil Bartow, Understanding Structured Exception Handling in Visual FoxPro 8.0 by Mike Helland, Part 4 of A Basic Introduction to Automation using MS Visual FoxPro by Matt Jarvis, We Are All Visual FoxPro Beginners by Carl Warner, Wireless Devices, Part 3: SMTP > SMS > MMS by Tom O’Hare, tidbits on conferences, what’s new for Spanish members, assorted URL resources, tips including Using the Registry Class, End of File Gotcha, Extended Characters Showing Incorrectly, Office Menus – Prevent the Automatic Collapse, Paste from the Clipboard and then call a specific keypress, and more. As usual, you can view this monthly newsletter online or download its text version and all other back issues free at the VFUG site. Not a member? Join VFUG for free at the site. [FoxCentral.Net]

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