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KBAlertz for Visual FoxPro

Got notice today from Dava Wanta of http://www.kbalertz.com of new and changed KnowledgeBase articles about Visual FoxPro. Dave runs KBAlertz as a free service, sending email alerts when there are changes to articles you register. Check it out.

Visual FoxPro

Q299695 FIX: Error Message: “Ambiguous date/datetime constant” with View

Q236069 PRB: View Field Properties Window Defaults to First Field of View

Q164252 FIX: Receiving Error When Selecting 254th Item in List Box

Q155890 PRB: FoxPro for Mac’s Setup Wizard Can’t Copy Source Files

Q299799 FIX: Creating A Class with the Same Name as a Base Class Causes Error

Q221730 FIX: Enabled_Assign Fires Incorrectly for Container in Container

Q143248 FIX: Error: “Variable ‘TITLE’ is not found” as Start Tastrade

Q142313 FIX: Using RI Builder & Long Table Names Makes Triggers Fail

Q135563 FIX: One-to-Many Report Based on Two Views Causes Errors

Q299934 FIX: Database And Table Opened with NOUPDATE Still Allows Index To Be Created

Q167147 FIX: Invalid Page Fault Occurs After Replicate of Enter Key

Q157953 FIX: Print Button in Preview Does Not Respect the FOR Clause

Q168056 FIX: Mismatched pushjmp/popjmp Call Error and VFP Closes

Q150596 FIX: Error Message “Variable is Not Found” When Running Form

Q141354 FIX: Adding Description to Table’s Index in DBC Corrupts Table

Q141316 FIX: Report Is Wrong When You Relate Tables on Currency Field

Q134437 FIX: Report Wizard Preview Error If View Given as Child Table

Q129646 FIX: Error Routine Not Called for USE Command

Q299849 FIX: Failed TABLEUPDATE Places Record Pointer on Nonexistent Record

Q297826 FIX: CHRSAW() Function Can Cause System to Stop Responding When AutoYield = .F.

Q235119 PRB: No Version Info if COM DLL/EXE Is Built Under Windows Me/98/95

Q221738 FIX: Memory Leak With SET SYSMENU OFF

Q221721 FIX: Mismatched Pushjmp/Popjmp With DataToClip( ) On Big Table

Q221715 FIX: Class Browser HTML Export Code Gives Invalid HTML 3.2 Code

Q221703 FIX: Component Gallery Does Not Refresh After Changing Property

Q221693 FIX: C0000005 Fatal Error With This.Caption=This.Text In GotFocus

Q197193 FIX: Application Error in Locals Window with Specific Variables

Q163933 FIX: Executable Error ” is not an object file”

Q163037 FIX: Label Properties Cause Illegal Operation

Q162800 Genmenu5.exe Updated VFP 5.0 for Windows GENMENU Program

Q143247 FIX: Scrolling Edit Window Causes Incorrect Highlighting

Q131578 FIX: Math Problem with INT() Function

Q258532 FIX: Random Characters in Report Do Not Print Under Localized Windows

Q222112 FIX: Class Not Selected Opening Class Browser From Form Designer

Q221741 FIX: C0000005 Fatal Error with Unknown Var in Include File

Q259371 BUG: ActiveX Controls Are Disabled

Q186368 FIX: GPF Issuing QUIT from a Form Run in the Form Designer

Q163669 FIX: Setup Wizard Does Not Use Default Directory Specified

Q114498 INFO: Transposing First Character w/ Last Character in a Field

Q299788 FIX: Setting SelStart = 0 in EditBox Causes Fatal Exception

Q271638 BUG: Report Preview Unreadable When Zoom Is Set at 75 Percent

Q158760 FIX: Setting Grid RowHeight to Large Number Affects Page Down

Q135384 FIX: Unbalanced Parentheses in IF Condition Not Seen by Parser

Q163029 FIX: Default Value Does Not Update Table in Local/Remote View

Q141528 FIX: Data Designer Validation Text Causes Invalid Page Fault

Q139183 BUG: View Not Accurate with One-to-Many Grandchild Relation

Q297803 FIX: Visual FoxPro Crashes When Two Instances of REPORT FORM PREVIEW Are Active

FoxPro Wiki’s reaction to VFP EULA

The FoxPro Wiki also has a topic on the VFP license, here, where Jim Nelson seems to really launch into a diatribe with “marketing gimmick,” “sneak changes,” “unsuspecting community.” I agree with his point, although perhaps not with his vitriolic reaction.

Ultimately, this is a failure of the management of the FoxPro group to recognize that they were introducing a change to the product’s licensing, and a failure to alert their customers to the change. It didn’t need to be this traumatic. It simply needed to be presented in the correct light. Or, even better, the license change could have been reconsidered and rejected.

VFP 8.0 EULA Change: It’s a Question of Trust

Without announcing it, Microsoft changed the licensing requirements for Visual FoxPro 8.0 so that older versions of Visual FoxPro must be removed. These requirements apparently only apply to the “upgrade” version of VFP 8.0.

PCConnection lists the VFP 7.0* (NOTE: not the new 8.0 product) Upgrade at $239.95, a bargain for the most powerful Windows development environment, richest IDE, fastest single-tier database engine and best development community of any package in WinTelLand. The full version is listed at $517.35, a $277.40 premium over the upgrade product. Looked at the other way, an existing owner gets a 53.6% discount off of the full price for buying an upgrade. In 7.0 and before, this was a reward for having purchased the earlier package. In 8.0, I’m not so sure.

Section 11.1 of the VFP 8.0 End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA) states:

“11.1 Upgrades. To use a version of the Software identified as an upgrade, you must first be licensed for the software identified by Microsoft as eligible for the upgrade. After upgrading, you may no longer use the software that formed the basis for your upgrade eligibility.”

While that requirement may be appropriate for personal productivity packages, it is completely inappropriate for a development system. Applications developed with earlier versions must be supported with those earlier versions until it is practical and economically feasible, if ever, to upgrade to the latest runtime modules. In many cases, it is not feasible to upgrade tens, hundreds or thousands of machines to a later version. Older version of development environments must be maintained until all clients have been updated. For developers and consultants who are taking on new work, it is not at all unusual to come across a new client who is two or three versions behind in their systems.

The issue here is not a couple hundred bucks. It is a question of truthfulness and trustworthiness. A change this significant to the EULA cannot be buried in section 11.1 of a long and incomprehensible document. As significant change in licensing ought to be made public, explained to the community, debated, flamed, and eventually accepted. We VFP developer fans are almost always referred to as a “rabid” lot, and paying a couple of extra hours of billable time for the correct version, and to keep our product alive, is not an unreasonable price to pay for what I still consider one of the best products ever on the PC platform.

However, failing to be in licensing compliance can be an offense justifying termination for some employees. Failing to be in license compliance can result in a huge fine, possibly crippling a business, from the BSA. Changing the licensing terms without properly notifying their customer base is a violation of trust between customer and vendor.

Microsoft ought to be ashamed of trying to “sneak this in under the radar,” and needs to make all efforts to clarify what their licensing policies are, what has changed from version to version, and what their customers need to do to stay in compliance.

I send money to vendors when they provide me with new and updated products that make my job the enjoyable profession that it is. I trust them to support me as I support them. Microsoft has failed to live up to this basic principle of commerce, and needs to make amends.

* (Prices for VFP 8.0 do not seem to be available on retail sites I’ve searched. A search of mySimon.com shows PC Mall listing VFP 8.0 for $607.99 and eCost.com for $563.92, but both appear to be the full product.)

Microsoft FoxPro 8.0 EULA forbids earlier versions?

Craig Bentson reports on a fatal phrase in the EULA for the upgrade version of Visual FoxPro 8.0, which requires the uninstallation of previous versions of the software. I am supporting clients in Visual FoxPro 6.0 and 7.0, and have no intention of removing my ability to support my clients and make a living.

Garrett has the section of the EULA on his web page as well. I would never have considered that getting an upgrade discount from a vendor disqualified me from using an earlier version. With other software, such as an office package or photo editing software, I suppose I wouldn’t need to. But a development system is different. You develop and compile and distribute your applications on different versions to your customers, and you have to continue to use that version to support the customer until it is feasible to update all customers to the most recent version. In some cases, like one former client of mine with a VFP 5.0 application on 28,000 desktops, there has to be a pretty strong reason to do that, as the cost of deploying a new application and new runtimes is not small.

Where’s the sense in this? The upgrade discount is supposed to be a “reward for loyalty,” a motivator to get existing customers (the vast majority of VFP purchasers, I expect) to purchase the upgrade, and quickly, as the discount is often available only for a limited time. Anyone who has developed in previous versions is likely to need to maintain them for some time, in order to support deployed applications. The only people who could qualify for the upgrade price savings are either those who have never deployed an application, or those who choose to ignore the EULA.

Is the Prime Directive of Every Corporation to Monopolize Its Marketplace?

The buzz intensifies this week as everyone asks “What happens if Google becomes Big Brother?” and “What if they decide to take over the web?” Must all corporations reach a pinnacle where they betray the loyalty of their customers in pursuit of profit? Is Teoma just next in line? This sounds to me like more of the nonsense of “Is RedHat going to be the next Redmond?

Answer: Only if we let them. The market can create monopolies, and the market can exercise free choice to prevent them and encourage competition. Think Different. Get a second opinion. Try a different browser. Try a different search engine, a different operating system or a different database management system. Have a Dr. Pepper.

It’s about choice, freedom and responsibility.

When showing off Visual FoxPro working with Open Source tools last weekend, there were concerns voiced by the attendees:

  • Who provides the support?
  • How do I chose the right tool?
  • Who fixes the bugs?
  • Learning all that *stuff* looks hard.

It’s about choice, freedom and responsibility.

  • You provide the support to your customers; that’s what you’ve always done. You get your support through newsgroups, associates, and paying experts who know more than you. That’s where you get your support now, right? How many times have you gotten support – how many times have your even bothered to ask – from BigCompany’s 800 number?
  • How do you choose your tools now? Now you get to shop around a little; read reviews, experiment, pilot test. It’s what you’ve always done, isn’t it?
  • Anyone can fix the bugs if everyone has access to the source code. Chances are, someone will. Usually pretty quickly. Usually better than you can. And there’s a peer review process that tells you the fix is good and right and proper. Isn’t that better than what you have now?
  • Learning is hard, but if you don’t enjoy that, the computer field is probably not the place for you to be. I’m exhilarated when learning a new tool; yes, I curse and stay up too late and drink too much caffiene and sweat bullets when the deadline approaches, but the thrill of getting “Hello, World” to work in yet another language/application/platform is worth it to me. And don’t tell me that the latest thing you learned from BigCo was any easier!

Hey, is that WiFi File Server in your pocket?

At our FoxPro retreat last weekend, I brought a spare laptop with Twiki installed for group collaboration. Geeks and Gurus supplied the WAP and 56k POTS dial-up router. Presto! Instant network. With this device, it looks like we can leave a lot of stuff at home… Sony’s Wi-Fi equipped pocket Web server: GadgetWatch identifies (and offers an English explanation of) a Wi-Fi-enabled portable fileserver! Nifty. 70,000 yen. Pointer from [80211b News]

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