Tag Archives | FoxPro
Post dated 2002-03-28 00:00:00
Thursday, 28 March, 2002
Last night was the March meeting of the Greater Boston FoxPro Users Group. Excellent meeting! Barb Bowman is a Windows XP MVP with a gret interest in wireless. Check out her column at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone/columns/bowman/december03.asp. Spent a few self-indulgent moments listening to my favorite radio station — WBUR — playing through RealPlayer on my laptop. The only thing was, the laptop wasn’t wired. It’s using an 802.11 radio signal to receive the streaming signal from my wired LAN, which in turn is using TCP/IP over my cable TV cable. Thousands of dollars of equipment and technology to listen to a radio station 30 miles outside its broadcast zone. You gotta wonder.Hacker’s Guide named Developer’s Choice
Developer’s Choice Award
New Orleans, LA — (May 26, 2000) — Ted Roche of Contoocook, NH was awarded the highest honor in his field, the Developer’s Choice Award, last week at the VFP DevCon 2000 Connections conference. Roche, together with his co-author, Tamar E. Granor of Elkins Park, PA, was honored for his most recent book, Hacker’s Guide to Visual FoxPro 6.0 (Hentzenwerke Publishing.) The Developer’s Choice awards are co-sponsored by the conference organizer, International TechCon, LLC, and Pinnacle Publishing’s FoxTalk newsletter. The winners were selected by Visual FoxPro developers via an electronic ballot on the International TechCon web site.
The book is an irreverent and exhaustive reference to the Visual FoxPro programming language. Visual FoxPro is Microsoft’s programming environment for developing data-oriented desktop applications and middle-tier components. This is the second book Roche and Granor have co-authored. In 1996, their collaboration, Hackers Guide to Visual FoxPro 3.0 was published by Addison-Wesley.
Roche is the director of development at Blackstone, Incorporated, a Microsoft Certified Solutions Provider located in Waltham, Massachusetts. Blackstone develops Internet, database and faxing solutions and products for medium and large-scale businesses.
For further information:
Visual FoxPro: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro
Hentzenwerke Publishing: http://www.hentzenwerke.com or (XXX) YYY-ZZZZ
International TechCon, LLC: http://www.vfpdevcon.com or(XXX) YYY-ZZZZ
Pinnacle Publishing’s FoxTalk newsletter: http://www.pinpub.com or(XXX) YYY-ZZZZ
Blackstone, Incorporated: http://www.bstone.com or(XXX) YYY-ZZZZ