Tag Archives | Microsoft

Is Internet Explorer 6 the end of the line?

News.Com: Microsoft to abandon standalone IE. Dave Winer comments: “This means that to get a new version of the browser you’ll have to install a new version of the operating system? Also, what about the Mac version of IE? Again, Web developers never asked to be Microsoft developers, now they think we should be Windows developers. Oy.” from Scripting News

Slashdot erupts here.

Redmond’s scanning the Net

“Redmond’s scanning the Net” is the chilling title of this no-so-chilling tale of Microsoft Research’s studies of community activity on the Internet. Interesting reading.

Should I be worried?

Ballmer unloads more Microsoft stock. Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer cashes in on nearly 2 million company shares, bringing the total number he sold this month to about 51 million. [CNET News.com]

EricR has a blog!

EricR has a blog! Imagine that!  I ran across a reference to Eric Rudder’s blog on Chris Sells blog on his “Senior VP meeting” after a month at Microsoft here: Chris Sells: “Imagine a company run as a strict meritocracy that’s one of the most important and profitable in it’s industry.” ( via Scripting News). It seems that Eric, while not a daily blogger, is using Chris Anderson’s BlogX tool http://www.simplegeek.com).

So far, one blog entry doth not make a log. Keep trying, Eric!

There is an other side of the fence….

A ComputerWorld story, linked via OSNews, states:

The other side of the story, however, is that Win 2003 is the foundation for an entire wave of next-generation Microsoft products and feature upgrades that are coupled with the new platform. Without an upgrade, corporations can expect to be in a holding pattern.

A holding pattern? Hello? How about a migration plan? An escape plan? An alternative? Thinking different?

Analysis: Windows 2003: What’s Next? [OSNews]

Feedback from WinHec

WinHec sounds like someplace a Bible-belter goes when the computer starts going haywire, but it is, in fact, a Microsoft conference on hardware. My favorite quote:

“We’re decomposing the user experience,” said Tom Phillips, general manager in the Windows hardware experience group at Microsoft

Microsoft’s un-grand design. CNET News.com’s Michael Kanellos explains why the software company is scaling down its ambitions when it comes to convincing the rest of the computer industry to adopt design changes. [CNET News.com]

New Microsoft e-mail worm

Let’s review the rules again, folks:

  1. Never ever EVER run a program from an untrusted source.
  2. There are no trusted sources.


Worm dupes with fake Microsoft address. A new e-mail worm, which feigns a Microsoft.com origin, is spreading rapidly. Antivirus vendors say it can also spread via a LAN and can install spyware on a victim’s PC. [CNET News.com]

Microsoft to license Unix code

As the plot ever thickens,… Microsoft announces a plan to license Unix code from SCO in this article: http://rss.com.com/2100-1016_3-1007528.html?type=pt&part=rss&tag=feed&subj=news

Boston Windows User Group gives away 700 copies of Windows Server 2003

As part of the Windows Server 2003 rollout, Microsft was promoting a special offer to user groups for fully-licensed (not NFR, samples or 120-day trial copies) of Windows Server 2003 to each of their members who attended the rollout. Response apparently was phenomenal.


Microsoft may have a lot of cash, but the company is now seeking
something money cannot buy — the love and respect of its customers.
And nothing says “kinship” like free copies of Windows Server 2003.


Article: Communal computing — Microsoft courts Windows community

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