MacWhispers: Apple’s Microsoft Word Killer. There may be some truth to this; one of my sources has revealed that Keynote is only one in a line of apps. [Hack the Planet]
Tag Archives | Microsoft
"A lot of people see this as a wake-up call"
It’s good to see Microsoft recognize that some of their customers choose, for whatever reason, to continue to maintain a six-year-old product. Microsoft extends NT’s life. The software giant prolongs some support for its Windows NT 4 operating system, giving the aging server product another 12 months of patches and fixes. [CNET]
"A lot of people see this as a wake-up call"
How many wake-up calls do we need? Worm exposes laziness and Microsoft bugs. The Sapphire worm that hit servers running Microsoft SQL is a wake-up call for anyone who thought the Internet had become a safer place following increased attention by corporate and government leaders. [CNET]
Beauty and Evil
The Beauty of the Worm. A posting from Peter Kaminski to a mailing list (with permission): It’s a thing of terrorbeauty, this Slammer/Sapphire/W32.SQLExp.Worm. Weighing in at 376 bytes of assembly language code, it is shorter than some email signature blocks. Shorter than the next paragraph. It fits entirely within one UDP packet. The packet goes into a Microsoft SQL Server box, and boom, the machine turns into a zombie, spewing the same packet back out at random IP addresses, over and over and over and over, running in a tight 23-instruction loop, cycling fast enough to fill the network it’s connected to with the… [Joho the Blog]
USA Today:
Attempting to reduce costs and avoid Microsoft’s “Software Assurance” plan, Houston opts for a web-based office software system called SimDesk. The interesting story of how they got there is written up in USA Today.
Post dated 2003-01-18 08:58:02
Judge orders Network Associates to revamp license agreement. The decision means the software developer can’t stop users from publishing product reviews or benchmark tests without the company’s permission. [Computerworld News] I wonder if this same ruling can be extended to Oracle and Microsoft and their prohibitions on publishing benchmarks…
Post dated 2003-01-16 08:43:52
Judge gives Microsoft 120 days to ship Java. “When Microsoft has the will to achieve, the achievement is great, and when it has the will to obstruct, the obstruction is complete,” says Judge. [InfoWorld: Top News] The best quote: “We’re not trying to be obstructionist, but it’s not in anyone’s interest for us to install some code in our operating system that doesn’t work,” Holley said. Gee, that’s never stopped them before…
Post dated 2003-01-13 20:58:38
Apple objects to Microsoft settlement. The Microsoft competitor says an antitrust settlement between California and the software giant is more beneficial than punitive. [CNET] Looks like Microsoft’s $40 billion in the bank may be just enough…
Post dated 2003-01-12 19:47:44
Directions on Microsoft listed these Top 10 Challenges for 2003. It will be an exciting year!
Post dated 2003-01-11 11:58:25
Microsoft agrees $1.1bn legal deal. The software giant reaches a massive compensation agreement in California after being accused of overcharging. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]. Very cool! I wonder how much money will actually end up in the hands of consumers, and what they will buy.