Guy Pardoe did a great presentation of the Kuro Boxes, using the US-branded Buffalo Tech LinkStation. Fourteen attendees got into the hardware and the discussions were far-ranging and intriguing.
Tag Archives | MonadLUG
MonadLUG meeting, 9 June 7 PM, SAU 1: Kuro Box
The Monadnock Linux User Group meets the second Thursday of most months at the SAU 1 office in Peterborough. This month, there will be a demonstration of “The Kuro Box” a PowerPC-based box costing $160 that needs a hard drive to run. Tom’s Hardware reviews it here, another from Penguin PPC. and IBM DeveloperWorks. Looking forward to seeing the presentation.
Peterborough MonadLUG meeting cancelled
The National Weather Service maintains a great set of RSS feeds so that you can get any alerts, warnings or advisories in your RSS aggregator. I’ve been watching the incoming snow storm for two days. Just in case you were thinking of visiting the Monadnock group because of the posting I put up here earlier this week:
“Due to the winter storm about to hit our area and some forecasts showing a worst case of up to 20 inches of snow by tomorrow, this month’s Monadnock Linux User Group meeting will be cancelled.”
“We will resume the normal meeting schedule next month, second Thursday of the month. More announcements will follow as we get closer to that date. ”
Guy Pardoe
MonadLUG Coordinator
MonadLUG’s meeting announcement mailing list is having a few problems at the moment, but consider signing up in a few weeks to stay abreast of their activities.
Learn something new every day…
Ed Lawson did a great presentation on CUPS, the Common UNIX Printing System, last night at CentraLUG. Christopher Schmidt did a great job of taking meeting notes when he wasn’t showing us how he programs his cell phone in Python via Bluetooth from his PowerBook. Really. Cool.
The Python SIG also held a session in the hour before the main meeting, and we’ve tentatively agreed on the 3rd Wednesday of the month as the time for the SIG to get together. Location still TBD – we may use the NHTI in Concord, but are also looking at Manchester as a more central location.
Thursday night the Peterborough LUG, also known as MonadLUG, will be holding its first session in a while, coming back from a period of somnolence thanks to their new coordinator, Guy Pardoe. Looking forward to the meeting!