Tag Archives | PHP

OpenOffice.org 2.0 Preview Reviewed

Quick Review of OpenOffice 2.0 Preview Release. “The Sun-sponsored OpenOffice.org project based on open sourced StarOffice code has released a preview of the upcoming OpenOffice 2.0 product. This version touts better MS-Office loading and parsing, strict XML compliant output, a new database program that mimics Microsoft’s Access, and much more. The Inquirer took it for a spin.” Link via OSNews

The new version looks pretty sleek. Improved load times are welcomed. And I’ll be interested in their OOBase, a database front end.

New study predicts growth of Linux market

Linux Looms Larger Than Thought. “The overall Linux market is far larger than previous estimates show, a new study says. In an analysis of the Linux market released late Tuesday, market research firm IDC estimated that the Linux market — including servers, PCs and packaged software — is expected to register a 26% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over five years, reaching a whopping $35.7 billion by 2008.” Source: OSNews

It Just Works

OSNews notes Mossberg: OS X “Rock Solid”; G5 iMac “Best” PC “Ever Reviewed”. “Wall Street Journal technology columnist Walt Mossberg gave the highest praise possible to not one but two Apple Computer products in his Thursday Personal Technology column, calling Mac OS X “rock solid” and the G5 iMac “the single best desktop computer I have ever reviewed.” Mr. Mossberg used his weekly column to discuss the plague of viruses, spyware and other security problems that primarily affect the Windows platform.”

Mossberg is not the kind of zealot who trumpets every new machine as the greatest thing ever. Over the course of the last year, he has lost his affection for Microsoft, and begun recognizing the other alternatives out there. Having a voice as authoritative as that of the WSJ’s technologist can only help bring more reason to the discussion.


Oppose EU Software PatentsThe web site of NoSoftwarePatents.com presents strong arguments why patents will badly damage the software industry. Copyrights are an appropriate mechanism to protect source code. Patents are for unique inventions, not the evolutionary progress that characterizes the progress of software.

Slashdot highlights the appeal from three of the key leaders of the Free and Open Software movement: Linus Torvalds of Linux, Monty Widenius of MySQL and Rasmus Lerdorf of PHP. Patents prevent progress.

Throwing down the gauntlet

Did Ballmer Drop the Linux Patent-Violation Bomb?. “Did Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer say that Microsoft believes Linux violates 200-plus software patents? Or was Ballmer simply citing a study claiming that same fact? In either case, Ballmer found himself on the Linux hot seat for remarks he made to a group of Asian government leaders in Singapore on Thursday.” From Microsoft Watch from Mary Jo Foley

The irony is that Microsoft is likely to violate just as many patents, if not orders of magnitude more, but that’s a lot tougher to determine with closed-source software.

Microsoft claims they will indemnify their customers, but the limitations of that indemnification make it look pretty flimsy to me. Big tip of the hat to http://www.groklaw.net for the insight into this one and many other legal issues.

First, Microsoft dissed Linux as amateurish. Then, Linux was “viral” and “un-American.” Next, Microsoft twists studies to “get the facts.” Now, they have resorted to threatening their customers. I find this trend disturbing. What’s next?

Steve Gilmor moves blog addresses

If you’re tracking Steve Gilmor’s postings, his address has moved: As I was saying. “The last time I posted, some four months ago, it was to my blog over on eWEEK.com. Podcasting was a gleam in Adam Curry’s eye, Scoble had read 8,248 fewer posts, and John Dvorak was just months away from being totally clueless once again.” Posted at blogs.zdnet.com | Steve Gillmor’s Inforouter. Attitude seems to have remained the same… good to see.

MySQL 4.1 released as production-ready

MySQL Version 4.1 Certified as Production-Ready. “MySQL announced the general availability of MySQL 4.1. Certified by the company as production-ready for large-scale enterprise deployment, this significant upgrade to the MySQL database server features advanced querying capabilities through subqueries, faster and more secure client-server communication, new installation and configuration tools, and support for international character sets and geographic data.”

Posted from OSNews

Anand switches and likes what he sees

A Month with a Mac: A Die-Hard PC User’s Perspective. A die-hard PC user’s perspective on Macs, by AndandTech. [OSNews]

You can’t find a more die-hard PC user than Anand Lal Shimpi, proprietor of the very popular hardware review website AnandTech. In the interests of fairness, Anand tried switching, and he was pretty impressed with what he saw on the Apple side of the fence. It’s a long article, but worth the read if you’re considered a walk on the wild side. His conclusions are difficult to sum up fairly, but he does think that more people should consider the platform. With Office (or OpenOffice.org) and Safari (or Camino), great mail clients and a lot of available software, the Mac should certainly be considered as a second home machine if you *really* require PC compatibility for something like FoxPro.

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