Tag Archives | PHP

Google’s got Bosworth: wow, what’s next from them?

Steve Gillmor makes some interesting predictions
in his news that Adam Bosworth has moved from BEA to Google: Google’s
quiet in its pre-IPO phase, but Steve tells Microsoft: Be afraid.

Interesting news, too: ECMAScript has been standardized with XML
datatypes, effectively making it the XML scripting language. That
should make for some interesting applications. Thanks to The Doc Searls Weblog for the link.


It’s too tempting not to peek: the six feeds from NPR are links of the
topicId=3 and so forth., You just gotta know, dontcha? It looks like
topicID=1 is for the real NPR news junkies – everything! Mmmmm, news
from the firehose!

Mozilla exploit on Windows XP patch available

This vulnerability affects all Mozilla-based browsers, but only on Widnows XP. Free small patch available from http://update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=154. No known exploits, yet. Get the patch!

Another browser exploit: this time it’s Mozilla.
Recent browser security bulletins have focused on Internet Explorer.
Now there is news of an exploit (with a patch available) for Mozilla
browsers running on Windows XP. [Ars Technica]

Mozilla moves to fix security vulnerability.
The Mozilla Foundation has urged users of its open-source Mozilla
Application Suite, Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail client to
download a small patch to work around a security vulnerability
discovered Thursday. [InfoWorld: Top News]

GNU Bash reference

MacOSXHints points out a really useful reference for Mac OS X, Linux or Windows CygWin users, for that matter – the GNU Bash Reference.
Written by the authors of the shell, this book covers the concept of
the shell, its commands and variables in 180 pages. The book can be
purchased for $29.95 or downloaded in PDF from their website for free.

The Answers Really Are Out There…

Andrew MacNeill – AKSEL Solutions responded to my query about Office having a 3% upgrade rate: “Only 3% of Office Users Using Office 2003?. Ted
wanted to know where Jeff Riefman got his facts from on his complaints
about Office, etc. Here’s the quote right from Ballmer’s mouth, in
response to a question about long vs. small steps (back on April 7,

2, it is not like Office releases, in any sense, have slowed down. We
did Office 2000; we did Office 2003; we are working away on the next
release. Most of our customers do not use Office 2003 yet. It has been
in the market, what, four or five months–something like that–and
maybe 1, 2, 3 percent of the installed base use Office 2003 so far. I
think we have got plenty of headroom before we need another product to
bring huge benefit to a lot of people. “

Read the entire article: here. By the way, Jeff’s original comments were in the Seattle Weekly

Thanks, Andrew!

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