Tag Archives | PHP

Subversion… check it out!

Subversion: The new-generation CVS. Software development is an iterative process that … [OSNews]

Subversion is hot stuff, a clean re-implementation built on the ideas
of CVS but with the added features to support better multi-file
versioning, remote access and improved security. I’ve got clients
running on Windows, Linux and OS X, and plan to move my main repository
there soon.

SAX Processing in Python

OSNews links to this great article on SAX processing in Python on DevChannel by Derek Fountain:

application developer can choose any one of a number of strategies to read and use an XML
document. In some very simple examples a script containing a
number of regular expressions might do the job, but normally
a more rigorous technique is required. The Simple API for XML
(SAX) is one of the two key techniques for analysing and processing
XML documents (the other is the more complicated Document Object Model (DOM)).

The article is very timely, as I’ve just
been working to convert some XML processing into Python.

MS-Funded Alexis de Toqueville Institution Attacks Linus, Probably Making Itself a Laughingstock

Groklaw reports: MS-Funded Alexis de Toqueville Institution Attacks Linus, Probably Making Itself a Laughingstock
“Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. . . more FUD attacks.”

“This is so stupid I think we need a parody done by Scott Lazar. But
I’ll do my best to tell you the news with a straight face. The Alexis
de Toqueville Institution, who as you may recall admitted it gets funding from Microsoft,
has put out a press release on a “study” they have done that suggests
that Linus isn’t the father of Linux after all. Another “independent”
study with Microsoft peeking out from behind the curtain.”

good when you are opposed by Larry and Moe. How dumb do you need to be
to attack Linus Torvalds? As I’ve said before, it’s like kicking
Dorothy’s little dog, Toto. All you get for your trouble is a lot of
really offended folks who seriously dislike you and all your

Microsoft Needs Geek Appeal

Microsoft Needs Geek Appeal. “I thought I had a pretty good handle on the differences between the
open-source community and the traditional proprietary approach to
software development.

But watching a Microsoft spokesperson defend his company
and its whole approach to business in front of a room full of Linux
zealots last week helped crystallize the gulf between the two
camps–not just in business strategy but in fundamental philosophy and
political bent.” Read the full article on ZDNet. Link posted via OSNews

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