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Balmer on Windows vs. Linux security

Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, spoke recently at a panel discussion of a Gartner-sponsored conference, and was fascinating to watch. He blundered and spouted and was nearly incoherent. The one allegation he said that stuck with me was the claim that, in the first 150 days of release, one version of Windows had less security flaws than Red Hat Linux 6 during its first 150 days. It sounded fishy and artificial and contrived.

Ballmer Says Commercial Software is Better Because Someone’s Rear End is on the Line” is an article in response.

The Money Map

And interest way to visualize demographics, in this case, the money contributions to various presidential candidates. Check it out:

ZDNet special report on the PDC

“In a Nutshell: All About Longhorn” John Carroll submits a special report summarizing Microsoft’s recent Professional Developer Conference, which seemed to focus on “Longhorn,” Microsoft’s next major client operating system, supposedly due in 2003. It sounds like a completely rewritten OS, with legacy Win32 APIs as well as all new .NET interfaces. On the bright side, Microsoft is finally replacing all the groady old interfaces that drove us crazy. On the downside, what will the compatibility issue be like? Shades of the Win32s mess revisited. Let’s hope they’ve learned from that. Linked from OSNews

OSNews Apple Buying Guide: Is it Time to Own a Mac?

OSNews Editor Eugenia Loli-Queru posts this buying guide on OS News. It starts:

Admit it, you do want to own a Mac.
But for some specific reasons –mostly higher prices, especially out of
US– most of the people don’t take the big decision to try out Macs.
Yesterday Apple released brand new iBooks and updated eMacs, which in
conjuction to the existing G4 PowerMacs, come in very affordable
prices. Dive in to see some simple feature comparisons between Mac
models and prices, which can help you make the big step towards Mac OS
X. The time is right, prices are right, feature-set is right too and
Christmas is coming soon!

Apple Buying Guide: Is it Time to Own a Mac?

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