Tag Archives | PHP

Where to next, Part II

Perhaps switching off the Microsoft OS is not possible for you right
now, or you can’t afford a second machine to mess with. There are still
alternatives. On my main development machine, a Windows XP Professional
machine, Mozilla is my default
browser. Mozilla is more than just a browser, it’s an internet
application development environment, with HTML markup editors and
javascript debuggers. And OpenOffice.org
is my default office suite, with built-in word processing, spreadsheets
and presentation packages competitive with any of the commercial
suites. I used the OpenOffice.org Write and Impress packages at the
recent Great Lakes Great Database Workshop conference to present my white papers and slides, without any problems.

And, if you’d like to dip your toes into the water without fully committing to a Linux install, check out Knoppix.
Knoppix is a full Linux distribution that boots and runs from CD,
without writing to your hard drive at all. This is a great way to try
Linux out without messing with your machine, although, of course, you
lose any changes when you shut down your machine. I’ve heard that
people have gotten their USB storage devices to work with Knoppix to
save documents. Check it out. It’s free.

Seven new Microsoft security flaws of concern

Microsoft Warns of 4 New Windows Flaws OSNews points to an article on Salon
that makes a few interesting points: Microsoft is going to monthly
security bulletins as some sort of comfort for the plethora of patches
that must be applied. Frankly, I’d rather know now, than the first
Wednesday of the month, when a weakness is discovered. This just
expands the threat window from discovery to closure (assuming the patch
works) from a week to a month.

In one email from Microsoft, titled “Microsoft Exchange Server Security
Bulletin for October 2003,” I was warned of the following:
MS03-046, titled “Vulnerability in Exchange Server could allow Arbitrary Code Execution (829436)” allows remote code execution.

MS03-047, “Vulnerability in Exchange Server 5.5 Outlook Web Access
Could Allow Cross-Site Scripting Attack (828489)” also permits remote
code execution.

The second email message was also titled “Microsoft Exchange Server
Security Bulletin for October 2003,” but the body of the message
indicated it was really “Microsoft Windows Security Bulletin Summary
for October 2003.” This included five new threats for you to evaluate,
mitigate and/or patch:

– Vulnerability in Authenticode Could Allow Remote Code Execution (823182)
MS03-042 – Buffer Overflow in the Windows Troubleshooter ActiveX Control Could Allow Code Execution (826232)
MS03-043 – Buffer Overrun in Messenger Service Could Allow Code Execution (828035)
MS03-044 – Buffer Overflow in Windows Help and Support Center Could lead to System Compromise (825119)
MS03-045 – Buffer Overrun in the ListBox and in the ComboBox Control Could Allow Code Execution (824141)

I’m runing Windows Update on a few machines in the home office here,
and you’ll probably want to do the same. It’s the 42nd week of the year.

‘Greater Boston’ points to web sites and blogs

Greater Boston‘ is a TV news show from Boston’s WGBH, featuring a special ‘Beat the Press
edition every Friday, a required show  for Laura and I, featuring
a discussion and debate on the media’s behavior by the media. Last
Friday, I was delighted to hear Executive Producer (and lightening-fast
quipster) John Carroll mention blogs as sources of news. Last night, Emily and Dan Kennedy started a new feature, dot.Compass, reviewing web sites they use for media news and rumors. They plan to feature a different theme each week.

Who’s reading RSS Feeds?

It’s interesting to browse through the web logs and see who is read the
FoxCentral and FoxForum Wiki RSS feeds. All four (both have 1.0 and 2.0
variants) are available from http://www.tedroche.com/RSSFeeds.html. Here
are some snippets from Saturday’s logs so you can see what kind of news
aggregators and accumulators are reading the subscription feeds:


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