Always interesting to tun in to what Bill Gates has to say. Q&A Session with Bill Gates link courtesy of OSNews
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Divine Musings
God’s been logging his experiment — what a hack. Please skip if easily offended by heresy or blasphemy.
More on the Connectix deal
OSNews has the link to BusinesWeek’s article, headlined A “Perfect Marriage” for Microsoft?, subtitled, “Redmond’s Tim McDonough says Mac lovers have no need to fret over the giant’s purchase of the cross-platform franchise from Connectix”
OTOH, this Yahoo! story claims the purchase is all about virtualization, perhaps something like the VMWare product. I’ve seen the quote the Microsoft’s server base is still 35% Windows NT 4.0, so if they can use this product to pull along those clients, that has clear advantages.
Investmesnts in the Apple market did not make sense to me.
Which Linux distribution for me?
Many of us looking to start to learn Linux are asking which distribution is for me. Here’s a report of one users’ experiences with trying out the modern distros: Choosing Between the Big Linux Distros on OSNews
I’m still annoyed about the foundation Microsoft built its evil empire upon.,
says Dave Farquhar, over at his site. Gee, I think he forgot Stacker. Other than that, he’s got just about every “Why I hate Microsoft” item on the list. Pretty well-written, too. For those of you who haven’t read the history before, this is a pretty good summary of the anti- side of the equation. I was also amused by his footer line, which read “Thank you for supporting standards, freedom, and competition by using a non-Microsoft browser. This site is dedicated to you and others like you.” Why, thanks, Dave.
And, just in case you missed Mark Odell’s comment:
The MSBC Superlist of Anti-Microsoft Web Sites
Microsoft’s Rise to Power
Why I hate Microsoft
Watching Microsoft Like a Hawk
Boycott Microsoft
Reasons to Avoid Microsoft
The Bad Faith of Microsoft
Microsoft Monopoly
He Who Controls the Bootloader
Post dated 2003-01-13 11:37:41
The home (cable) and SOHO (DSL) network are being divorced over the next few months, separating the recreation and movie trailer downloads from the serious work (web sites and development) bandwidths. The home office is going to get some hand-me-down hardware, so I’m shopping for new router/AP hardware for the home. The 802-11g hardware, even though it’s based on a draft standard, looks promising. LinkSys claims to already have a model on the streets. As the home network is already 100% black-and-blue LinkSys, this looks like the way to go.
Post dated 2003-01-12 20:49:25
LawMeme: “Google claims that PageRank is commercial speech, protected by the First Amendment.” [Scripting News] An interesting discussion of the meaning of commercial speech, contrary to Nike’s absurb claim of it’s right to lie to its customers.
Post dated 2002-12-22 00:00:00
Sunday, 22 December, 2002
Vicious, nasty, funny and really well written: The Beast’s 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2002
Fun with the dogs:
Time Magazine’s “… of the Year” features a bunch of good articles: here and here and here.
Post dated 2002-11-12 00:00:00
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Tuesday, and a short week thanks to the Veteran’s Day holiday yesterday.
Microsoft’s in hot water again, this time over a leaked memo describing their progress in their battle against Linux. Linux World’s Take and sister paper Info World echo similar sentiments.
Post dated 2002-11-09 00:00:00
Saturday, November 09, 2002
For those trying to expand their skill sets with MySQL or PostgresSQL, there’s a new visual tool for managing the database called
Following up on the mention of Gymnast yesterday, this looks like a text-only to postscript converter. OTOH, Bob Lee has extensive instructions on his site for using GhostScript? and the ps2pdf utilities to create PDFs.