Tag Archives | rss

Updated Planet Fox

The Venus aggregator is a Python program which will read in a list of RSS feeds and generate an HTML stream-of-news page that displays the posts, most recent first. Planet Fox (http://www.tedroche.com/planetfox/) uses the list of blogging FoxPro folks posted to the FoxPro Wiki as its source. Add yourself to the Wiki and your posts will appear in the aggregator. Thanks to one of Planet Fox’s regular readers for pointing out that Jim Nelson’s great PEMEditor blog was not on the list; it turned out the Wiki post incorrectly listed the location of the RSS feed. I’ve updated that manually, and you can see Jim’s posts.

Updated tedsriver to planetfoxpro

Many years ago, I cobbled together the Planet feed aggregator to host a page of FoxPro posts on my website, called ‘tedsriver.’ It was primarily an experiment in using Planet and was pretty much a quick hack. Well, it’s turned out a number of people are following the postings there, and the Planet software hasn’t kept up. Over the weekend, I updated from Planet to Venus (cute, eh?) that Sam Ruby and a number of others are maintaining, and cleared out a bunch of errors from blogs that had moved. I’ve also moved the URL to be a bit more descriptive: http://www.tedroche.com/planetfox

If you know of other FoxPro blogs that should be included on the list, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll add them!

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