Archive | 2002

Post dated 2002-05-24 00:00:00

Friday, 24 May, 2002

Tortured poor Apollo this morning. I had it all set up as a web server, less content, but not yet exposed to the internet. However, I was also setting it up as a SourceOffSite server, but I do not yet have enough licenses for the entire staff. So, I turned it back into a file server, allowing sharing of the SourceSafe data directories (around 2 Gb at this point). It was a little tricky, as there were several places within the interfaces I had to change:

  • Enable the Guest user in Computer Management | Users
  • Enable access over the network for Guest in Security Policies
  • Allow directory access, read/write in the file share properties

Added a bunch of MSKB articles to the WebHome? MSKB and FoxPro? articles. Wish there were an easy way to gather all of them related to VSS and organize and manipulate them locally. I suppose I should install the monthly MSDN Library disks, but they always screw up my machine.

Found the DLL Help Database again – I had lost it for a while. It can be reached at

Tuesday, 21 May, 2002

Studying .Net, and Steven Platt’s Book, Introducing .NET Framework, is one of my guides. His home page is at

Jon Udell talks of The Wiki Way as it relates to email threads in discussion groups and publishing.

The Wiki Way ISBN:0-201-71499-X by Bo Leuf and Ward Cunningham, is an insightful book into the ways of the Wiki.

Rand has an interesting study of Space Weapons

Windows/.NET magazine is one place I am considering submitting an article on VSS Maintenance.

IISAnswers has a step-by-step guide to installing Perl on IIS, including a link to an MSKB test script, MSKB:Q245225 “Configuring and Testing a PERL Script with IIS 4.0 and 5.0”

Post dated 2002-05-20 00:00:00

Monday, 20 May, 2002

Started off the day by posting the Boston Area FoxPro User Group meeting to the site, using Visual FoxPro, PFE and Web Services. Very nice.

Got bored with creating the calendars by hand (March, April and May) so I wrote a little program to generate the monthly calendar in Twiki table format. Probably uses twice as many variables and twice as much logic as it needs to, but it gets the job done. Let’s see how many months before I find a bug ;).

Analog and Report Magic produce some pretty elegant stuff, pretty easily. Look for me to automate this stuff over the coming weeks.

Post dated 2002-05-18 00:00:00

Saturday, 18 May, 2002

Visited the CIAC — Computer Incident Advisory Capability — to review some hoaxes. Great site for information. New PDF document on Connecting to the Internet Securely: Windows 2000. A must read.

Greg Gum of Blue Hat Software provides some resources for using Quick Books new XML interface with Visual FoxPro?.

Post dated 2002-05-16 00:00:00

Thursday, 16 May, 2002

Still fired up from solving the “twisted tree” algorithm yesterday. Now, on to the next part of the solution, which is to identify the shared files between projects and determine how to resolve them…

… and got my butt kicked. The problem is more complex than it might appear at first, and I think I took the wrong angle of attack. Tomorrow, a better solution.

Brian Jepson’s name caught my attention, as I think he used to work for one of the companies in the Fox World – Drew Speedie or MEI, I can’t recall. His name caught my eye in the list of bloggers on the O’Reilly site while reading a blog about an Emerging Technology conference from a link at Slashdot. The links are starting to work…

Post dated 2002-05-15 00:00:00

Wednesday, 15 May, 2002

The high point of Wednesday morning is the trash guy coming, and taking the dogs to the groomer. Luckily, the day got more exciting from there.

Solved the problem of performing an Analysis on a 3 Gb SourceSafe? database – the analysis code I supplied with “Essential SourceSafe?” was giving me a total of 7 Gb of files when I broke down the database by the top-level projects. Turns out the client is enthusiastic over sharing files, and I needed to debit the size of shared files if I ran into them more than once in the project. Ought to finish the code and turn it into an EXE that folks could download from the HWP web site.

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