Archive | 2003

Digital Video 001

I’m not even ready for the 101 course, yet. My sister Anne asked me if
there was any way I could make a DVD of one of her videos for her. I
don’t (yet) have a DVD recorder, but I offered to try to do the
equivalent with a Video CD (VCD) or Super VideoCD. My ThinkPad has a
firewire cable, and it only took a few weeks to find one with the right
connectors for that and the video camera. Windows XP cheerfully
volunteers to record off the camera, but I thought I’d try the MGI
VideoWave 4 that came bundled with the laptop. First try shows promise
– a 4.9 gigabyte AVI file. Need to clean another 10 gig off my laptop
and defrag it to ensure I have room to capture the whole thing – there
was another 10 minutes to go when I stopped it. After that, I’ll try
Dr. DivX or Nero to see what I can produce. A first attempt with Nero
to create an SVCD resulted in a CD that sounded like an aircraft taking
off in the laptop and a really jittery picture, and nothing from the
DVD player but a “Check disc” message. Don’t know if it was bad media
or not the right format, or perhaps there are other options I need to
select. Will have to try again later.

We resume our regularly scheduled program…

Hope our network downtime didn’t cause concern. Laura and I
disassembled the office and did some serious rearranging to make room
for the new furniture, due soon. Rewiring cable internet, DSL, the
house ethernet, the wireless, the web site, ftp site, the printers,…
man! Lots of stuff to reconfigure. Still got to figure out how to wire
the dual line phone and fax machine.  As a reward, we went to Gould Hill Orchards for a half peck of MacIntosh apples and an afternoon snack of cheddar cheese and apples. Mmmm…..

@Stake fires CTO for not trusting Microsoft

Daniel Geer, former CTO for Cambridge, Mass-based @Stake, apparently
lost his job for co-authoring a report distributed by Microsoft rivals
via the CCIA, that claims that Microsoft’s monopoly and integrated
software and operating system poses a “clear and present danger” to
computer security.
Links: Rogers Cadenhead reports on an analyst who apparently was fired for criticizing Microsoft. [Scripting News]
Report: Microsoft Monopoly Puts Computing at Risk [MCPMag]
Microsoft critic dismissed by @Stake [c|Net]
The report in PDF format, available here.

Your vote has caused a GPF and will be discarded…

We in the computer industry have a special responsibility to ensure
that the general public does not have a false sense of security about
things computerized. “It must be true, the computer said so” or “I read
it on the Internet” are chilling examples. Here, it seems an unreliable
computer system is replacing a more reliable, although slower and more
expensive, manual voting systems…

Can Diebold Be This Stupid?.
“UPDATED: says lawyers for Diebold, maker of
electronic voting systems, have forced the site to shut down on
alleged…” from Dan Gillmor’s eJournal

Knoppix 3.3 is out, and BitTorrent is the way to get it.

Knoppix 3.3, a self-booting Linux-on-a-CD distribution great for
demoing the product or rescuing a badly mangled install, is now
available for download. Instead of trying to get an image downloaded
from one of the mirrors, consider participating in the BitTorrent
technique for downloads. With BitTorrent installed and running, it took
most of the afternoon to get the image, but I got it on the first try,
and while I was downloading, BitTorrent could provide the parts I’d
downloaded to share with others, a real win-win situation. Slashdot
commentary and links to download sites are here.

Since I had nothing better to do with a few background CPU ticks, I’ve left the BitTorrent client running, sharing the wealth.

The Story Story

Doc Searls has an excellent posting on his blog on “The Story Story,”
talking about how journalists often simplify an issue into two sides,
and lose a lot in the process. Software and media piracy are the big

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