Not Only Are The Answers Out There, Sometimes They Come To You

On a recent adventure attempting to install the SubVersion client on Laura’s iMac, I complained (some said whined, I didn’t mean to whine) that sometimes assembling and configuring Open Source software was hard, but soon confessed that the problem was primarily me, failing to careful read and follow the instructions. With determination, care, a good night’s sleep and some coffee, I was able to make it through.

The maintainer of the SubVersion package for fink, Christian Schaffner, found my blog post, and was kind enough to respond with a better explanation of why I was having so many challenges (it was a new package and I was attempting to install it from source code, which involves a lot more configuration, pre-processing and compiling) and pointed out that there was now a (much simpler to install) binary version of the SubVersion client available for the Mac as well. Oh, and to gently remind me to rtfm 🙂

The Answers Are Out There.

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