Archive | 2007

Notes from CentraLUG, 2-April-2007: Bill Stearns on LVM

A great meeting last night. The Central New Hampshire Linux User Group met at the usual place and time: The New Hampshire Technical Institute‘s Library, Room 146, 7PM on the first Monday.

I did my usual rounds of announcements, Shawn O’Shea pointed out that besides for the discuss and announce mailing lists, you can also subscribe to the lists via RSS by using one of GNHLUG’s archival sites. Add one of these to your favorite RSS readers to see the GNHLUG announcements: or

Everyone got to introduce themselves and speak a little bit about what they’re up to. I passed around a couple lists of topics and speakers from the wiki to find out what the attendees want to see for future sessions.

Bill Stearns presented “LVM: Logical Volume Management.” He explained about the basic need to expand or re-allocate disk resources without making hard partition changes, in some cases without even shutting down. We started right in on an exercise: using the loopback device and some spare space in /var/tmp, we created three loopback block devices. We assigned them as PVs (Physical Volumes) and allocated two to a Volume Group. Then, space could be allocated out of the volume group to provide the space needed. Additional PVs could be added to the VG, additional space from the VG could be allocated to a mount. We had a good discussion about the choice of filesystems and the different processing required for ext3, reiser, xfs, jfs file systems – most of which can be resized when on-line. (Bill recommended the MythTV HOWTO for a good discussion of which file system to use.

We had a good side conversation at this point about the mount tables and the significance of several flags Bill had. An intesnse discussion of ‘noatime’ – useful for hierarchical file management, but generally of little use, and a lot of disk activity, power consumption, speed decrease, and for FlashROM devicers, perhaps lifetime shortening can be avoided by adding noatime to the mount tab. Bill also had war stories about the security implications of nodev and nosuid both of which are a good idea for insertable media unless you have a specific reason for needing them.

We finished up the LVM exercise by adding the third PV to the VG and then resizing the ext3 partition to include the space. Bill took questions from the audience: one lady had just installed LVM on the Linux partition on her mainframe (!) that weekend, and wanted to know more about LVM striping. Other questions on reliability, use with RAID. Bill had some pointers for adding additional storage: use of USB2 (not USB1!) external drives (Bill hasn’t been happy with Firewire storage on Linux) or using an external storage solution (he mentioned CoRAID which uses rackable ethernet-to-ATA raw drives; Bill had one sample to play with) and handled some questions further afield, like the file defragmenter Bill has on his site.

Yet another great LUG meeting. Thanks to Bill Stearns for the great presentation (and 3-ring-bound handouts) and providing the raffle door prizes. Thanks to Bill Sconce for providing the projector and doing the note-taking during the meeting. Thanks to the New Hampshire Technical Institute for providing the facilities.

Look forward to a great presentation on OpenWRT by Ben Scott at the May 7th meeting (where you can expect him to be heckled) and another great presentation on Drupal by Seth Cohn on June 4th. Hope to see you there.

Life After VFP

Robert Jennings posts Yet “Another Life After VFP Thread.” For those not following VFP closely, MS recently announced a confirmation of earlier news that there were no plans for a VFP version 10, and that the VFP scripts in the project known as Sedna would be released under some sort of public license. Poor communications lead to media and Slashdot reports that VFP was to be Open Sourced, sadly not the case.

Robert does a good job of outlining the huge cost in moving a vertical-niche application into another development environment, language and runtime. Most sophisticated specialty applications have person-years of investment built into them, knowledge not easily extracted, transferred or translated to any new environment. Regardless of whether that new environment is Dot Net, Dabo, LAMP, Python or Visual Fred, there will be a huge cost and risk with any enterprise making this switch.

Unlike the Open Source world, when a vendor choses to discontinue a product, developers have little choice but to move along. While many folks point out the upside that the product will likely run for years to come, and a lack of Microsoft official support doesn’t instantly obsolete a product (DOS apps can still be found, after all), there is an immediate slowdown in the custom software market, and a longer-term turning away from the product by customers. Large-scale vertical products have to be operating with 5- and 10-year plans for reinvestment and changes in direction, to ensure they can fund “The Next Big Thing” while continuing to deliver good value to their customers today and tomorrow.

This is not a death knell for the product. The writing has been on the wall for years. But developers with large applications have to be looking around for a new platform.

FoxPro developers always viewed themselves with a bit of “Battlestar Galactica” mythology: a rag-tag crew of self-taught developers from the PC Revolution, they survived the dBASE wars and the implosion of Ashton-Tate. Working under a cruel master who never promoted their product, they persevered. MS’ internal team developing VFP did amazing things on a shoestring budget, introducing a fairly smooth transition from procedural to object-oriented, from developer-guided to event-driven interfaces, from characters to pixels, from local ISAM to RDBMS. The VFP IDE was a remarkable environment in which to develop rich-client, component-based, web-driven or even server-based applications. I will miss it, and look forward to becoming as skilled at my next platform.

DLSLUG: April 5th: Todd Underwood: ZFS

Bill McGonigle announces the April meeting of the Dartmouth – Lake Sunapee Linux User Group. The main presentation will be “ZFS: The Last Word in Filesystems, ” presented by Todd Underwood, VP of Operations and Professional Services, Renesys Corporation. Here’s the pitch:

ZFS is the most original work in storage management in years. It offers a revolutionary, integrated approach to block device, raid, volume management and filesystem technology. We’ll take a high-level look at what makes ZFS so different from previous storage technologies and look at efforts to port ZFS to free operating systems (ZFS is available for FreeBSD and in a userland port to Linux, but the path will not be easy).

Todd has with more than 10 years experience in architecting, building, and supporting large-scale distributed systems. Before Renesys, Todd was senior vice president and chief technology officer at Oso Grande Technologies, the largest Internet service provider in New Mexico, where he was the lead consultant in the security practice. Before that, Todd was chief technology officer at Lightdart Managed Data Centers, a co-location and hosting start-up built in partnership with Public Service Company of New Mexico. As a graduate student, Todd led the effort studying high-speed networking for large-scale computer clusters at the University of New Mexico. Todd holds a B.A. from Columbia College, Columbia University and an M.S. in computer science from the University of New Mexico.

Looking forward to the meeting. Hope to see you there!

InfoWorld to cease print version, complete move to the Web

Steve Fox, Editor-in-Chief of InfoWorld, reports the demise of the print version of the magazine:

“Yes, the rumors are true. As of April 2, 2007, InfoWorld is discontinuing its print component. No more printing on dead trees, no more glossy covers, no more supporting the US Post Office in its rush to get thousands of inky copies on subscribers’ desks by Monday morning (or thereabouts). The issue that many of you will receive in your physical mailbox next week — vol. 29, issue 14 — will be the last one in InfoWorld’s storied 29-year history.”

I’ll miss the print version. As Steve said, bookmarking a web page just isn’t the same as dogearring the page of a article you want to return to.

PySIG, 22-March-2007: Project Night

An even dozen people showed up for the Python Special Interest Groups March meeting, held as usual at the Amoskeag Business Incubator in Manchester, NH.

Bill Sconce called us to order promptly at 7 PM and we proceeded through the printed agenda. It was duly noted the Ben Scott deserved heckling despite his absence. We ran through announcements of a couple of upcoming meetings, plugging the MythTV installfest beta and pointing out Jarod’s book. We mentioned meetings upcoming for the LUGs, including ZFS at DLSLUG, LVM at CentraLUG and the new Ruby group.

Kent’s Korner: Kent S. Johnson presented his month talk, this month on list comprehensions. Kent had a great handout, and has collected his past couple of handouts in one place. Starting with simple examples and building in complexity, Kent lead us through what can be an intimidating topic in a way most couple follow. Some great discussions, on-topic and off-, regarding assignment and Python idioms, always make this a fun part of the meeting.

There was some discussion of Python 3000 and its expected schedule. Bill Sconce had a video of Guido practicing his Py3K presentation in front of an audience at Google, which he went on to present at PyCon.

For the Gotcha of the month, Bill Freeman offered up an “Un-Gotcha:” a=b=4 works, but not for the reason you might think. Assignments of this style in C have a different underlying meaning, and perhaps in some circumstances, different side effects. A key to understanding the single = assignment in Python is to understand that it is a STATEMENT. There is no value associated with the statement and “chained” assignments in Python like the above are specially-coded as an exception case. This lead to yet another great discussion.

Ric Werme showed off the web pages that result from his Python software that collects and forwards weather data from his weather station. His current conditions page, has links to everything else. Ric bought the weather station in part to have an excuse to write more Python code, and his current code runs the gamut from implementing the weather station protocol through and the serial port to CGI scripts that take data requests, fetches the data from MySQL, creates gnuplot data files that create .gif files, and returns a HTML page to display the results. His description of the software is at .

Ric also demonstrated a Python cgi script for collecting data for a weather observers group that Todd Gross created while he was WHDH. It’s customizable, so people can create a form preloaded with their location that offer just the data they collect, and the submission code adds it to a MySQL database and recreates a web page of members reports over the previous day.

Shawn O’Shea showed off Python running in the Win32 and COM environments. Shawn does a lot of work administering and automating Windows configurations, and the COM set of interfaces can allow a lot of internal manipulation of the major applications, a big step up from the VBScripts supplied by Microsoft with some of the tools. Shawn demonstrated the canonical Hello, World with Microsoft Word, but then dug into a couple more concrete and practical examples with querying the Registry and spelunking in the IIS metabase.

Lots of interesting stuff coming up at future meetings: Martin Ledoux offered to show something on the work he’s done with amateur book-binding with pytut/pyref books. Kent has promised an update soon on his real-life experiences with Django. Ray Côté may be able to show off the new web site he used as an excuse to miss the meeting. And I’ll bet Bill will wheedle some more cookies from Janet.

Thanks to Bill Sconce for organizing, Alex Hewitt for getting the networking working, the Amoskeag Business Incubator for providing the great facilities, Janet for the awesome cookies, Kent for his great Korner, Bill Freeman for the csv module and those strange blinking white blocks, Ric Werme for demoing his weather projects, Shawn for the Win32-COM-Automation and everyone for attending and participating.

P.S. Anyone got python running on a WRT54G?

P.P.S. Tom Mosco mentioned to me that the Chicago Python group had a very long presentation on Django by the creators and also a Ruby on Rails presentation by its author. Videos can be found at here and here

CentraLUG, 2 April 2007: Bill Stearns on Logical Volume Management

The monthly meeting of CentraLUG, the Concord/Central New Hampshire chapter of the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group, occurs on the first Monday of each month on the New Hampshire Institute Campus starting at 7 PM.

This month, we’ll be meeting in our usual location, Room 146 of the Library/Learning Center/Bookstore, , marked as “I” on that map. Directions and maps are available on the NHTI site at and on the GNHLUG site at The
main meeting starts at 7 PM, with Bill Stearns presenting LVM: Logical Volume Management. Open to the public. Free admission. Tell your friends.

Bill is an authority in the field of security, an instructor for the SANS Institute and an activist in several anti-spam efforts. Visit
http://www.stearns,org for a list of some of the interesting projects he’s been working on and packages he maintains. At April’s meeting, Bill will explain the infrastructure of LVM and how to work with it. LVM is a great technology that allows you to add disk space to running systems, manage the mapping of logical and physical volumes and manipulate disk usage. With the correct choice of hardware and file systems, much of the work can be done while the systems continue to run! Bill has some practical insights into how these systems work, and can talk about some of the subtleties of why you might choose LVM-atop-RAID vs. RAID-atop-LVM. Attendees are encouraged to bring laptops: using temporary space (no need to repartition), Bill will use some loopback tricks to let you create some devices and manipulate the LVM commands – a great hands-on experience!

More details at about this meeting and the group are available at and as I learn them!

In future meetings, we are looking forward to Ben Scott demoing OpenWRT (May) and Seth Cohn showing off Drupal (June) – dates and times not yet confirmed and in flux, so stay tuned. Hope to see you there!

Notes from MerriLUG, 15-March-2007, Matt Brodeur on PGP/GPG Encryption and key-signing

Nineteen attendees participated in the March meeting of the Merrimack Valley Linux User Group, MerriLUG, held as usual on the third Thursday of the month at Martha’s Exchange in Nashua, NH.

Matt Brodeur gave a presentation on GNU Privacy Guard, GPG, the Free/Open Source implementation of the Pretty Good Privacy algorithms and protocols. Matt pushed the presentation pretty quickly, as he wanted to ensure we had time for the keysigning, as well. Matt’s presentation is available from his website and that link, in turn is on the GNHLUG Wiki along with the announcements and instructions.

Following the presentation, Matt and Heather Brodeur organized the key-signing. Nearly a dozen of us had prepared and registered our PGP certificates in advance, and we read out-loud our identifying information, practicing our phonetic alphabet and confirming that I should have brought my reading glasses. Following that phase, we lined up in two queues and exchanged identification to confirm we had IDs that matched our names on the certificates. Heather was the caller for this slow-motion folk dance and kept us on task despite our urge to chat and socialize. An odd number of attendees and one additional volunteer made the sequence interesting, and we completed successfully.

Overall, I think the keysigning went quite well, by the number of signed keys I’ve received in the last week. I suspect we’ll have some feedback for Matt, too, on whether there might be some way we could make the follow-up key exchange easier. This was a lot of work, and I want to express my personal thanks to Matt and Heather for all the work. Thanks too, for all who attended and participated and asked questions, and thanks to Martha’s for providing the facilities.

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