Archive | 2007

Seacoast LUG: OpenWrt, 9-April-2007

Ben Scott announces the April meeting of the Seacoast (New Hampshire) Linux User Group, a presentation on OpenWRT:

  • Who : Ben Scott
  • What : OpenWrt – LinkSys firmware enhancements
  • Where: Room 301, Morse Hall, UNH, Durham, NH
  • Date : Monday 9 April 2007
  • Time : 7:00 PM to 9ish

For the April 2007 SLUG/Seacoast/UNH/Durham meeting, Ben Scott will be presenting on OpenWrt and related tools. The focus will be on initial installation and configuration, and a general survey of capabilities, rather than a specific application. A live demo is planned.

OpenWrt is “a Linux distribution for embedded devices”. In particular, it is commonly used as third-party firmware for the popular LinkSys WRT54G line of SOHO routers. OpenWrt provides a modular system for customizing the firmware (embedded software) for such devices. It can add everything from SSH to VPN to VoIP and more.

In addition to the OpenWrt base package, X-Wrt and WebIf^2 will also be covered. X-Wrt is a set of additional/updated packages for OpenWrt, which provide even more enhancements, with a particular focus on end-user experience. In particular, it provides WebIf^2, an advanced web user interface for OpenWrt.

Ben will bring a LinkSys WRT54G device running stock firmware, and attempt to demonstrate the whole process of installing and configuring OpenWrt and X-Wrt. Come see Ben tempt the Live Demo Gods!

SLUG is the Seacoast Linux User Group, and is a chapter of GNHLUG, the Greater NH Linux User Group. Rob Anderson is the SLUG coordinator. SLUG meets the second Monday of every month, same time, same place. Meetings take place starting at 7:00 PM. Meetings are open to all. The meeting proper ends around 9ish, but it’s not uncommon to find hangers-on there until 10 or later. They take place in Room 301 (the third floor conference room), of Morse Hall, at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham.

Preserving our documentation for posterity

Recently, I received a diagram created in Microsoft Visio I wanted to examine and possibly edit. It turns out that Draw does not have an import module for the proprietary (and apparantly undocumented) .vsd format, nor can I find another FOSS product that does. This is one of the reasons to keep a Windows machine around – to read the proprietary format files. Or it should be. My version of Visio is a version or two old, and it wouldn’t read it either. I asked my co-worker to send the diagram in another format I could use. We tried a number of them. SVG (Structured Vector Graphics) is a standard format and has a filter for it. However, it turns out that Microsoft uses proprietary extensions to the format for items like word wrap and the filter won’t read them (Neither will Gnome image viewer nor FireFox nor Dia). EPS, EWF and WMF are more standard and were readable, but the graphics are reduced to primatives at that point with no larger structure. Drawing Exchange Format (.DXF), which might have come from AutoCAD, is equally illegible.

The .VDX format is XML, so I had some hopes for that. It looks like the Dia diagramming tool will work with .VDX files with a plugin. [Update: irony of ironies: the VDX plugin link is now dead. Good news: VDX is now a built-in import/export filter.]

What a disappointment. While we are not writing anything particularly profound that needs to be preserved for posterity, it would be nice to know we could read the files in a few months on our platforms of choice. Vendors need to get more serious about interoperable, open formats.

The smoke clears after the DST spring-ahead…

… and we’ll see if any news develops. Either: nothing will happen and news media will point at IT for once again crying Y2K wolf, despite a lot of sysadmins sleepless nights last week and this weekend. Or some major system will fail and the media will conclude IT isn’t taking their role seriously enough. Either way we lose, eh?

Here’s the score here at Roche Manor: a power blackout at 0045 this morning reset most of the home appliances for us, so we could just find all the stuff blinking “12:00” to reset. One Win2K laptop reset fine, thanks to our manual intervention with tzedit.exe in advance. One WinXPPro machine sprung two hours in advance instead of one. Two Linux laptops and three Linux servers Just Worked Fine. And the iMac wonders what all the fuss is about.

Update: Two WinXPPro laptops sprang ahead 2 hours. I think each was booted into Linux first, and perhaps that updated the computer’s clock before the Windows machine. Resetting the WinXPPro machines by having them synch with the internet time servers seemed to clear it up. I don’t run any software on the machines know to be DST-incompliant (Outlook, Exchange, etc.)

Now we wait to see what happens on the traditional Spring Ahead Day…

Max Spevack: 2 million Fedora Core 6 installs

spevack: 2 million fedora core 6 installs: “So somewhere in the last hour or two, we hit the 2 million mark on Fedora Core 6 installations. Congrats to the whole Fedora community… We have a statistics page on the Fedora wiki that tracks these metrics, and also talks about what the numbers mean, and where they come from.”

Interesting. Two million installs in 133 days; 88% x86 and 12% x86-64. One-third of one percent PowerPC. Hmmm…

(reminder of my disclaimers: I own a teeny bit of Red Hat stock.)

Netcraft: WordPress Distribution Compromised, Update Released

Netcraft: WordPress Distribution Compromised, Update Released

“A recent distribution of the popular blogging software WordPress was compromised during a server intrusion, the development team said late Friday. All WordPress users who have downloaded and installed version 2.1.1 are urged to immediately upgrade to version 2.1.2. Earlier versions of WordPress are not affected.”

Ouch! Get patching. I had downloaded but not yet upgraded. There’s a patch to avoid.

Updated FireFoxes and

Updated versions of FireFox attempt to deal with some of the problems that onUnload() Javascript functions introduce. On SANS Internet Storm Center, Swa Frantzen observes:

“Best course of action: disable scripting, but most of you can’t or don’t want to do that. The second best alternative might be to use extensions such as NoScript in Firefox that allows more selective control of who gets to do remote code execution in your browser.”

Remote code execution in your browser. Think about that. You have an antivirus solution scanning your files. You block email attachments, or you know better than to click on an attachment in email, or to run a .exe or .scr sent from strangers. But how comfortable are you that the web writers of all of the sites you visit (and the software they run, and the ads they host, and the feeds that supply their sites, and…) are running ‘safe’ code. Sadly, this is the whole assumption that AJAX can take over as the next-gen interface: trust of code that is not inspected in advance. Browser vendors will attempt to fix the problem by curtailing the functions the language can perform, but that only leads to reduced functionality. A general purpose language is like any tool: it can be used for good or evil. Putting a language in a “sandbox” where it can’t do things unsafe might just lead us back to Java, after a 10 year wander.

DLSLUG 1-March-2007: Bill Stearns on “50 Ways to Run Your Programs”

Fourteen attendees managed to find the monthly meeting of the Dartmouth – Lake Sunapee Linux User Group, despite being held one floor up from the regular meeting room. (A reminder from yours truly that you can save yourself a trip down and up the stairs if you just Read The Fine Announcement Bill McGonigle prepares each month. I needed the exercise anyway.)

Bill Stearns presented “50 Ways to Run Your Programs,” He had tremendous handouts: a vinyl 3-ring notebook binder with 61 pages. He asked us all to skim the materials and pick out the couple of techniques we wanted to drill down into. He covered in some depth (though each could get its own book): passing commands through ssh, combining screen with ssh, using wget as part of a pipe, how wget can work with caching, using tee to redirect output through the pipe as well as to a file simultaneously, the precedence of && in sequencing commands on the command line, some of the implications of subshells and environment variables, gotchas with cron, using eval and netcat. Bill is knowledgeable and rolled well with the punches, like his new HP widescreen battleship of a laptop refusing to run X on the projector. (Bill had an aside about the joys of Open Source providing the means of fixing some bad interrupt logic in the BIOs with a kernel switch – yay, Open Source!) Bill hardly broke a sweat despite the attendance of Professor McIlroy, who is credited with having invented the pipes and filters architecture of Unix. A good time was had by all, with lots of time for questions (from novices “What does that do?” to some pretty advanced questions on piping and subshells and so forth.)

Next meeting is 5 April when Todd Underwood will present ZFS. Thanks to Bill McGonigle for organizing the meeting, Bill Stearns for the great presentation, and all for participating.

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