SCO Threatens Torvalds. And if you’re not careful, they’ll sue you, too. I wonder who else could be targeted? From OSNews.
Tag Archives | PHP
There is an other side of the fence….
A ComputerWorld story, linked via OSNews, states:
The other side of the story, however, is that Win 2003 is the foundation for an entire wave of next-generation Microsoft products and feature upgrades that are coupled with the new platform. Without an upgrade, corporations can expect to be in a holding pattern.
A holding pattern? Hello? How about a migration plan? An escape plan? An alternative? Thinking different?
Ed Leafe in Linux Journal on the FoxPro EULA controversy
Ed Leafe wrote an article for Linux Journal magazine’s website, and it was published today. He tells me that he has sent in an addendum that covers the Microsoft “clarification” and the John T. Mitchell article; this should be added sometime later today. Here’s the link:
Longhorn may be a long time off…
Longing for Longhorn? You’ll have to wait till ’05. Microsoft’s successor to Windows XP will hit the market after a prebeta release late this year for developers and two beta versions in 2004. from Computerworld News
GEOS lives…
Breadbox Obtains Worldwide Exclusive Geos Rights from OSNews
I was a big fan of GEOS on the Commodore 64. I beta tested several of their packages, including their GeoWrite, GeoCalc and a GeoBasic development IDE that never saw the light of day. On a 1 megahertz, 8-bit 6502 processor with 64 Kb of RAM, they had a GUI, WYSIWYG editors, scalable fonts, mouse, icons, PostScript output and more. With a souped-up system like mine (1 Mb RAM expander, low and *high-density* floppy drives, etc.), it was a slick system for office use and DTP.
I’ve just had an inquiry from a 501(c)(3) charity with *no* money and 100 486s. I wonder if GEOS might be the solution for them…
Microsoft Research Focusing on Search Interfaces
Counter-Point: Linux ‘Just Works’ For Me
And, it seems, for every opinion, there’s a contrary opinion… Linux ‘Just Works’ For Me (or, how I came to love Red Hat and Gnome) also via OSNews
Point: Why Linux Sucks as a Desktop
Opinions are like bellybuttons: everyone’s got one. From a site called vbRAD (didn’t VB used to be a language? – rimshot!), comes a piece called: Why Linux Sucks as a Desktop OS via OSNews
Visual Studio 6.0 EULA
Visual Studio 6 EULA. First Post: Since there seems to be a lot of concern over the changes to Microsoft’s EULA, especially in regard to added restrictions on runtime distributables, I’ve posted the EULA from Visual Studio 6.0, of which VFP 6.0 was a part, and thus governs VFP 6.0 usage. Note that there are no restrictions on distributing royalty-free runtimes to non-Windows platforms. You may draw your own conclusions about the reasons such restrictions were added in later releases.
A couple more links I want to go back and read in depth
Reconfiguring the office HP OfficeJet with the wicked-cool JetDirect ethernet print server. Initially we set it up as DHCP but now realize it needs a fixed IP address, otherwise no one can find it. So, had to dredge around in the Windows Registry and .ini files. Crashed and burned the program along the way, and it’s reboot time. Before they disappear off the radar screen, a couple quick links:
- Syndication Made Simple – Presstime –
- Essential System Administration – a Slashdot book review –
- Trust by Design –