Archive | June, 2002

Post dated 2002-06-10 00:00:00

Monday, 10 June, 2002

Blogging is a fascinating self-referential game, where many of the players contribute to a conversation and link to each other. The New York Times in jumping in on the story today, calling bloggers journalists. Perhaps journalists in the old sense of “keeping a journal.” Metafilter, Scripting News and InstaPundit? have dozens of links. An incredible time sink.

Post dated 2002-06-09 00:00:00

Sunday, 09 June, 2002

If VOB does what it claims to do, it looks like quite the bargain!

Robert Scoble, a fellow MVP, blogs on Radio Userland, a place where he used to work for Dave Winer and associate with the likes of Dan Gillmor. I’ve been following some of the goings-on personally between the men, and trying to understand how having this out in the open is more challenging.

Touching story at

TWikiGuest – 09 Jun 2002

Post dated 2002-06-08 00:00:00

Saturday, 08 June, 2002

Happy birthday, Mom.

Another beautiful Saturday, spent doing work around the house. Repaired two outdoor extension cords – out eaten by the mower, the other, I think, by the snow blower. Both are working now, and made it through the first day of mowing. Weeded gardens, repaired the hanger for the bird feeders, and did other domestic kinds of things. Great day.

Post dated 2002-06-07 00:00:00

Friday, 07 June, 2002

Links to useful tools:


Busy day searching the web and learning about publishing!

Post dated 2002-06-06 00:00:00

Thursday, 06 June, 2002

Spent the morning walking through the “InstallShield Express Limited Special Visual FoxPro? Edition” that replaces the Setup Wizard to install a VFP application. The interface is pretty good, although not entirely consistent, and the frequent ads for “you could do this in the real Express edition” showing disabled features was a little annoying. But, it got the job done.

TWikiGuest – 06 Jun 2002

Post dated 2002-06-05 00:00:00

Wednesday, 05 June, 2002

A brief day. Worked on client stuff in the mornings, prepared and attended the Boston Windows 2000 User Group in the evening. Arrived home to spectacular thunderstorms, left the computers off.

Post dated 2002-06-03 00:00:00

Monday, 03 June, 2002

Up late last night wrestling with ActiveState Perl on Apollo. While I got the basic functionality working, and RCS functional, I’m not able to add additional Perl modules from CPAN. It looks like the Makefile is being generated with “bad separator” characters, and consequently, I can’t get updates to Perl. This won’t do, as I need several modules for login and email.

Whew! Did I get my butt kicked. A classic example of 95% done, 95% of the effort remaining. The basic Perl behavior – showing pages, editing, running RCS to store and recall revisions – went relatively smoothly (see the last two days blogs). But a couple of the advanced functions – registering new users, sending mail – required additional Perl modules not included with the original. I attempted to run CPAN to obtain these modules, but it was throwing errors on cl.exe and make. It appears that there was no cl.exe included, and the Cygwin Make.exe is incompatible (too UNIXy) to work with the ActiveState native Win32 stuff. So, installed VC6 to provide the native Win32 tools of Nmake.exe and Cl.exe. Still got errors, way outside my level of expertise. Dug around newsgroups and messageboards and finally threw in the towel. The conventional wisdom is the cygwin is a Unix emulation on Win32, while ActivePerl is a full port, and the two do not co-exit well. Wish I knew how others got it to work, or claim they do. Out with ActiveState, rolling back to Cygwin. A big disappointment, as performance is a key reason for moving to Apollo, and the Cygwin Perl in CGI mode is not going to be as scalable as the PerlIS module in native ISAPI mode. On the bright side, the ISAPI interface is more likely to crash the server, so we’ll just have to see how it works out.

Post dated 2002-06-02 00:00:00

Sunday, 02 June, 2002

Didn’t get TWiki running on Apollo last night, but tantalizingly close. http://apollo/twiki would bring up the main WebHome topic, but navigating to any other topic would either bring up the same topic again, or return a 404 “Page Not Found” error. Gotta keep tweaking til I get it right… five minutes later, I’m up and running. Go figure. A good night’s sleep is magic. Just reversed the slashes on one of the paths and I’m good to go!

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