Mary Jo lambasts yet another Microsoft ‘study’

Microsoft Watch from Mary Jo Foley reports Microsoft Funds More ‘Facts’. “Microsoft is touting a new “independent” study aimed at helping users make fact-based choices between operating systems. This time, the study was performed by Jupiter Research and commissioned by Microsoft.”

Yet another suspicious “study,” although the devil’s in the details more than the farcical “a mainframe costs more than a bunch of server” study. In this case, there is no “study” really, but a survey of the opinions of people (presumably IS Managers) about what they know about interoperability. That’s surely not the same as evaluating what sort of interoperability is out there. I’ve automated from VFP, and you can do so from Perl, Python, Java or C++. I run my SourceSafe files from a Samba share on a Linux box. I can read and write MySQL tables (on any platform) via ODBC or JDBC or Perl libraries or other interfaces. Now, that’s interoperable!

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