A testimonial from a 300-person company that estimates savings of $145,000 by moving to Linux from Windows.
Archive | February 14, 2004
Cory Doctorow: Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books
Cory Doctorow, a talent writer of sci-fi and a technology fan, presented “Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books” at O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology conference. Cory observes some of the up- and downsides of ebooks and makes some predictions on their future.
SD Magazine: 27 Players Ready for Primetime
Software Development magazine features an article this month titled “Free as in Freedom” that describes the progress of free software and features a table of “27 Players Ready for Primetime.” Check out their website and you can view the article online with a free registration
Amazon exposes reviewers as frauds — accidentally
Slashdot reports Amazon.com Pierces Reviewer Anonymity — a goof-up at Amazon revealed that “A reader from Chicago” was, in fact, the author of the book he praises.
I went shopping for some new books this weekend, and was astounded by the trash heap the reviews have turned into: zero-star comments mercilessly trashing a book and five-star gushing praises so over the top that no one could believe them. It’s obviously turned into popularity contest and a mechanism easily exploited. It’s disappointing.