Archive | August 30, 2005

Useit.Com: Open New Windows for PDF…

Useit.Com: Open New Windows for PDF and other Non-Web Documents. “All these guidelines stem from the same underlying phenomenon: the non-Web documents are native PC formats. These formats have their own applications, each of which gives users a set of commands and navigation options that are completely different than the ones for browsing websites.” Liked via Tomalak’s Realm

Creative Zen Neeon ships free Windows Worms!

Slashdot reports Creative Zens Ship with Worms. An anonymous reader writes “Engadget reports about 3700 Creative Zen “Neeons” shipped with a virus. The virus in question was the W32.Wullik.B@mm worm. Creative released a statement today to help consumers pinpoint the possibly effected devices.” From the linked Babelfish-translated press release:

With the defectiveness of our company, we apologize the fact that very much annoyance was applied the customer and to the related everyone deeply.

I’m sure we all share those feelings.

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