The Boston Area Foxpro User Group meets tonight, with me hosting an open-mike Q&A and brief review of DevCon from 6 PM to 7 PM, and Jack Brosch doing the main presentation, a demonstration of Web Services in Visual FoxPro, using the Google API. Should be a good show, open to the public. Click on the link above for more information and directions.
Tag Archives | FoxPro
East Tennessee Fox Pro User Groupâs July meeting: Rox Seibert
Tuesday, July 29: 6:00-6:30 or 6:45 Pizza and mingle, 6:45 Welcome to all by Curtis Jones, 7:00-8:30pm Main Presentation
Roxanne Seibert
Presentation Layer Finesse: A crash course in good website design for software developers
The world revolves around the browser in this day and age, and it probably is no surprise that user interface design isnât the same animal anymore. But who has the time to become a full-fledged web designer when there are so many rapid changes happening to technologies in the software development arena? This session will give software developers a crash course in good web design so that your browser-based user interfaces look polished without a lot of trial and error. Topics covered include an overview of best practices for web design, cascading style sheets and why we need them, how JavaScript can make your life easier in the middle-tier, tools of the trade, and commonly found browser compatibility gotchas.
East Tennessee FoxPro User Group
Steve certainly got the Wow! of the evening with a Universal Decorator Pattern using a clever feature of VFP. Interfaces can be kept in synch without having to constantly Xerox(ú) the properties and methods from the target object to its Decorators. Damn clever! Made it worth my trip to the meeting!
The Agenda, briefly:
Introduction by Curtis Jones, CTO of NetLearning.
Ted Roche, 10 minutes on what happened at DevCon – see links here
Steven Black on Niche Markets and VFP
Ted on RSS/XML
Steve on Advanced Design Patterns:
- Factory
- Decorator
- Hooks (and Hooks and Anchors)
- FoxPro Idiomatic Patterns: Set Path To idiom, Last Copy Wins idiom
Day Two at DevCon
Saw great sessions today:
- Using Web Services with Visual FoxPro 8 – Doug Hennig
- Using Visual FoxPro 8 to Provide and Consume XML – Toni Feltman
- Graphing with Visual FoxPro – Ted Roche
- Lunch with the Speakers for me. Had a great time with the team at Omnicell, Inc.
- Building a Data Access Layer with Visual FoxPro 8 – Toni Feltman
- How to Be an Independent Consultant – Mac Rubel
Next comes the DevCon dinner party.
Visual FoxPro DevCon keynote raw notes
Hope to polish these up a little later, but here’s the raw typing, no spell-checking. About 300 attendees at the 8 AM keynote.
Empty class
AddProperty() and RemoveProperty()
Collection class
Structured Error Handling
Event Binding
enhanced getfile dialog
now auto-increment for tables
enhanced view designer
cihild member subclassing
vcs support for more classes
many new features for Grid control
Code Refences tools
Beyond XMLToCursor/CursorToXML
Hierarchical XML support
Multiple VFP data cursors to XML
XML to multiple VFP data cursors
XML diff grams
VFP data cursors, tables, DBC
ADO.NET compatible
XMLTable and XMLField classes
Full control of XSD schema used
CursorAdaptor Class
Similar to DataAdapter in ADO.NET
Native VFP cursors
XML and XML Web services
Programmable events
Stored procedures control
New Data Features
DataEnvironment subclassing
DataEnvironment Builder
CursorAdapter class
CursorAdapter Builder
XMLAdapter class
Form BindControls property
Enhanced VFP OLE DB Provider
VFP 8.0 and VS .NET interoperability
VFP 8.0 Performance
LOCAL a1[10000]
FOR i = 1 TO 10000
? x2-x1
VFP 7.0 = 24.5 seconds
VFP 8.0 = 0.45 seconds
DevCon Tips-of-theDay
This is the 14th DevCon conference =
Free GenScxrnX suppot expires in 2004
dot prompt still works in VFP 8.0
VFP 8.0 runs great on Tablet PCs
VFP 8.0 is hotter than Palm Springs
Europa is a moon of the planter Jupiter
Microsoft is working on Europa!
Works well with Visual Studio .NET
Greatly enhanced XML support
XML Web services
VFP OLE DB Provider
ASP.NET Web forms
.NET Windows forms
Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET
VFP and .NET teams working together
Software for connecting information, people, systems and devices
Building Connected Applications
Connected business, connected experience, connected development
clients, experiences and solutions, tools, services, servers,
.net in the center, web services wrapped around all
Visual Studio .NET 2002 (last version)
.NET Framework 1.0
Simplified deployment - no DLL Hell, no need for Registry, version DLLs
All language under one roof
All application types under one roof (web, windows, devices)
Single development paradigm
Language enhancements- object-orientation to VB.NET, C#
ENterprise lifecycle support
ACT, Enterprise templates, Microsoft(r)Visio
.NET Framework 1.1
increases scalability and performance
side-by-side execution with .NET Framework 1.0
Enables no-touch deployment from the internet
code access security in ASP.NET
ASP.NET mobile controls
Native ODBC and Oreacle DB 7i/8i support
.NET Framework version 1.1 included with Mocrsosft WIndows Server 2003
Buildeing connected Applications
Mobile development
mobile web browser - visual, ASP.NET mobile controls
PocketPC devices used .NET Compact Framework - can use WinForms
Developer productiviity
increased IDE perforamnce
startup time reduced - now using a native control
improved IntelliSense(r)
Dynamic help faster
Object browser faster
Code editor drop-down menus faster
Upgrading applications
run multiple versions of VS side-by-side
- VS 6.0, 2k2, 2k3
upgrade from VS 2k2 to 2k3
only the project files are updated
doesn't change any of your sources
application configuration
Enhanced "Add Web Refernce" dialog
Code editor enhancements
net components
debugging enhancedments
community support and search
fullu oo, free threading, structured error handline
host vb 6.0 controls in WinForms
Improved IntelliSense
C++: managed extensions
ISO C_++ conformance
C# component-oriented, type-safe
J# Java-language syntax, full integration with VS,NET
Microsoft Visual SOurceSafe
Application Centter Tes
Enterprise Templates and Policies
Enterprise InstrumentationFramework
Visio - UML tools
Code Obfuscation
More information:
New .NET Framework certifications
Self-paced book/resources
Upgrade from VS 2003: $29
Empowerment through Ecosystem
Partners and community
150 VSIPs and compoent vendors, 300+ tools
.NET Code Wise Community
Third-party .NET community "influentials:
online communities reach 4.5M user sessions/month
Authors, publishers, trainers, speakers
INETA (International .NET Association)
200+ INETA user groups worldwide representing 66,0000
700+ MSDN user
Demo: VFP 8.0 and .NET
VFP Business Tier, COM object accessed bother from VFP Form and using ASP.NET XML We Services to connect to .NET WinForm, .NET WebForm, Pocket PC, Cell Phone
Forget Palm Springs, I get to speak in… Knoxville!
EastTennesseeFoxProUserGroup. Starting in June, the East Tennessee Foxpro User Group meets regularly in Knoxville, TN Next Meeting (inaugural meeting) When: June 24 2003 at 7:00 pm, though the room is open starting at 5:00 pm, and has Internet access. Where: 16 Emory Place, [FoxForum Wiki]
Visual FoxPro 8.0 Fix List
From Garrett Fitzgerald’s Blog: “Visual FoxPro Fix Lists. These are the most extensive fix lists I’ve seen out of the Fox Team in a long time. 🙂 Thanks, guys!”
In Visual FoxPro, there are three ways do to anything,…
… or no way at all. I don’t know if I actually coined that in the Hacker’s Guide, or if I was just passing on a meme of the community, but here’s a sterling example. How do you force the Visual FoxPro Report Writer’s Preview window to maximize on display? MaximizePrintPreview from FoxForum Wiki
East Tennessee FoxPro User Group
East Tennessee FoxPro User Group. NetLearning, Incorporated is pleased to announce their sponsorship of the East Tennessee FoxPro User Group. Meetings will be held at the training facilities of NetLearning, 16 Emory Place, in Knoxville. Details will be posted at the group comes together; first meeting is scheduled for June 24, 6pm informal Q&A discussion, 7pm main presentations. Watch for further news on FoxCentral.Net and also on the FoxForum Wiki.
Boston Area FoxPro User Group announces Whil Hentzen Linux meeting
Boston FUG, May 21st: Whil Hentzen: What do you get when you cross a Fox with a Penguin?. The Boston Area FoxPro User Group welcomes Whil Hentzen, presenting “Expanding Your VFP Skillset with Linux.” Open to the public. BAFUG meets at a special place, date and time: New York Life Investment Management, Norwood, MA, May 21st, 6 PM for UG meeting, 6:30 PM for main presentation. For directions and more information, visit the group homepage. Subscribe or read the meeting announcements by clicking here. Seating is limited to first 100 attendees, with limited SRO space, so plan to arrive early for a good seat! [FoxCentral.Net]