The Architect Journal: A new magazine from Microsoft

Craig Berntson over at FoxBlog points to Scoble pointng to Journal: Microsoft EMEA Architect’s Journal (nowhere do they explain what EMEA is, although I suspect “European” might be in there somewhere, as that seems to be the origin of their authors and they use some British English spellings). One of the articles is “DasBlog: Notes from Building a Distributed .NET Collaboration System,” by Clemens Vasters, that talks about the importance of blogs. The magazine is free for the download in PDF format, although you’ll find you can’t copy text from it, you can print it. (Generated on a Mac in Quark Express, for those keeping score). An intriguing quote:

So why is this topic being discussed in a magazine for software architects and information technology managers? There are two main reasons: First, there are a lot of architectural lessions that can be learned from the Weblog phenomenon and from the technologies that make the Weblog universe tick. In fact, the Weblog space as a whole has already grown to be the largest distributed XML and Web services application in existence. Second, Weblogs are becoming a strategic tool to improve communication and collaboration in the enterprise that may eventually turn out to be just as important as email.

Emphasis mine

Interesting reading, and the price is right.

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