Archive | January 6, 2006

Microsoft ships WMF patch early!

Bravo to Microsoft for shipping the WMF patch early, rather than waiting an additional five days to ship on their regularly scheduled Patch Tuesday. Many security experts were very concerned about this flaw.

Users of Windows 2000, XP and 2003 should update immediately. Users of previous versions of Windows should stop using IE until Microsoft ships a patch.

The actual MS06-001 Security Bulletin is a bit confusing. It lists “Maximum Severity Rating: Critical” but in the FAQ seems to indicate that they are not shipping a version for Win9x/ME:

“Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (ME) — Review the FAQ section of this bulletin for details about these operating systems….”
In the FAQ… “How does the extended support for Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium Edition affect the release of security updates for these operating systems?”
“For these versions of Windows, Microsoft will only release security updates for critical security issues.

Okay, I’m confused. Critical or not? Supported or not?

Palm 700w: bulkier, clumbsier

NYT > Technology: David Pogue: A Marriage Not Made in Heaven. “Some features of Palm’s new Treo 700W cellphone-organizer are so well executed, you can’t help grinning, while others are so clumsy, you smack your forehead.” By DAVID POGUE. “The Treo 700W ($400 with a two-year Verizon commitment) is a Frankensteinian mishmash.”

Over at the Wall Street Journal, Walter Mossberg concludes “The Treo 700w will appeal to some Windows Mobile fans, and to some corporate IT staffs. But for everyone else, I advise sticking with the Palm-based Treos.”

Too bad. A friend had told me to keep an eye on the Treo line as he felt the Treo 650 needed one more version to be the category-killer PDA-Phone. Looks like the 700w was not the right one. Palm promises a PalmOS-based version is on the way. I’ll wait.

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