Tag Archives | FoxPro

Garrett’s got a new job!

Congratulations to Garrett Fitzgerald who blogs… Stop the world, I want to get off…. “My head is still spinning a bit. On Tuesday, a local employer was referred to me. I interviewed with him on Wednesday, and started work Thursday.

MailMovers is a local mailing house. During my interview, I found that the mail industry, to a large extent, runs on FoxPro data. This has put me in an interesting position. For years, I have have been writing code that would be used by other people. Some of this was when I worked with software houses such as MicroKnowledge (in Bangor) and UNICOM (in Providence), and some of it was writing snippets for customers when I worked in Microsoft’s Product Support Services. For the first time, I’m using VFP as a tool, rather than a programming enviroment. And I’m loving it. :-)” Best of luck, Garrett!

KBAlertz.com goes RSS!

An announcement by email this morning that KBAlertz is now available as an RSS feed by product. Some curiousities in the feed: each item has a

paragraph marker and advertisement for KBAlertz at the end of the item, but they don’t show up in Radio Userland. Also, the usual XML processing instruction is missing from the top of the file – I thought that was a required element. Nonetheless, they test out fine at http://www.feedvalidator.org and in Radio Userland, so I’m likely to drop my email subscription and get postings by RSS.

UPDATE: And they’re gone again. You blink, and a decade later, the web is different. Read VFP 8 and VFP 9 KBAlerz on their website.

January Boston FoxPro User Group Meeting: Guy Pardoe and DBI Controls

Boston Fox UG, Wednesday, January 28, Guy Pardoe and DBI Controls. Start time this month is 7pm. Guy Pardoe demonstrates the use of selected third party ActiveX controls
(from www.DBI-Tech.com) for calendaring and scheduling. Solutions::Schedule 7.0 is an excellent component for applications where
you need to handle scheduling of resources. We cover many of the different views and visual presentations of this control, the ability to work with XML data, and output to JPG images. We also take a look at Calendar Tools 3.0. Six easy to use, drop-in
calendar components for presenting, selecting and managing dates and times.

BONUS: Two door prize products provided by Microsoft.

Location: Microsoft tegional offices, 6th floor, 201 Jones Road, Waltham, MA.

For more UG information and directions, tune into http://www.bostonusergroups.com/vfpboston By Boston Area FoxPro User Group. [FoxCentral News]

Cringely: A new business model for WiFi

Cringely posted his weekly column on PBS.org with a proposal for a new business plan for WiFi. The column was pretty firmly trashed by WiFi Networking News in “Cringely Builds Cloud Castles” and denounced and defended on Slashdot in Cringely Proposes New WiFi Plan.

My take? I’m no visionary (evidence: Amigas, FoxPro, disco), but I don’t see the huge attraction of “TCP/IP Everywhere.” As a business traveler, I’ve occasionally dipped into free or per-pay WiFi when in a rush to get something done, but I much prefer the hotel with 10 Mbps Ethernet. I’m not convinced you’ve got to have WiFi everywhere. If your local coffeeshop is a favorite hangout and they charge for access, you’ll probably pay for something there, but for the majority of us, I’m just not convinced this is something we’ll pay for over and above the connectivity we’ve got.

So, who visits your web site?

Happy New Year. Inspired by Joi Ito’s post, I took advantage of the morning to do some analyses of last year’s weblogs. Yeah, what a geek.

Assisted by the fantastic (and free!) Analog package to analyze the logs, ReportMagic to spiff up the presentation, and QuickDNS to convert the IP addresses into domain names, here is what I found: 220,000 requests, total. 778 DEFAULT.IDA exploits, rejected. 20,000 requests for the BAFUG.GIF, displayed on the http://www.foxcentral.net web site as well as the Visual FoxPro Task Pane Community Pane. 19,000 requests for the FoxCentral RSS 2.0 feed, 12,000 requests for the http://fox.wikis.com RSS 2.0 feed. For their RSS 1.0 feeds, the requests were 4,000 and 5,800, respectively. The RO BOTS.TXT file was requested over 3,000 times, not surprisingly, as the GoogleBot, InkToMi and Teoma search engines made it to the top 20 most popular domains.

Glad to see the site is getting some use.

MSKB via KBAlertz: How to Run a dBASE IV Report File in FoxPro

KBAlertz is a very useful and free service for those who need to keep up with the Microsoft KnowledgeBase. Visit the site and you can sign up for free email notification when KnowledgeBase articles of interest are posted or update on the Microsoft site.

Today, I received notice that “How to Run a dBASE IV Report File in FoxPro” was updated. Most curious. My dealings with dBASE IV were few and decades ago. The article describes how various dBASE IV files can be manipulated by Microsoft FoxPro for DOS and Windows 2.5 and 2.6 as well as Visual FoxPro for Windows 3.0. I’m not convinced the Visual FoxPro reference is correct, as I thought the migration material was only available in the 2.x versions, but I no longer have VFP 3.0 installed to check.

It is curious as to why this article was flagged as updated. Wonder what changed…

And another one’s gone, and another one’s gone…

Andrew Coates posted to the FoxForum Wiki, asking for advice on his new role as Developer Evangelist at Microsoft Australia. Best of luck, Andrew!

Andrew linked to a similar post on the c2 website, revealing that Ward Cunningham, inventor of the wiki and master of many of the software arts, is also heading for Microsoft-Redmond, with a title of “Architect.” I hope this bodes well for Microsoft and Ward.

December Virtual FoxPro User Group newsletter available for free download

Download Free December VFUG Newsletter Now. VFUG (the Virtual FoxPro User Group) just sent out the December issue of its monthly newsletter to those who have chosen to receive it via e-mail. Articles in this issue include Setting up SOAP/WSDL by Grady McCue, Data-Aware Controls by Les Pinter, A Basic Introduction to Office Automation using MS Visual FoxPro – Pt 8 by Matt Jarvis, New Series on VFP by Fletcher Johnson and Hugh Winter, Wireless Devices, Part 11: Jumping the Big Pond by Tom O’Hare, User Groups and Their Support of the Developer Community by Margaret Duddy, Help with White Papers and Case Studies by William Sanders, assorted tips that cover Image Storage, VFP 8 and NT4, Autofit in Grids, Character Picker, What’s the Name of the Active EXE?, Create a file of a certain size in Windows XP, and even more. As usual, you can view this monthly newsletter online or download its text version or all other back issues free at the VFUG site. Not a member? Join VFUG for free at the site. 42,000 others did. [FoxCentral]

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