Tag Archives | Microsoft

Microsoft Legal statement on the VFP EULA

A post on the GotDotNet web site, at http://gotdotnet.com/team/vfp/vfp_eula_runtime.txt:

Visual FoxPro was designed and tested for use in creating
applications that run on the Microsoft Windows platform; the
same applies to the components that are provided to
developers for redistribution with Visual FoxPro-based
applications. If a developer wishes to distribute the Visual
FoxPro runtime with an application, the runtime may only
operate in conjunction with a Microsoft Windows platform. As
with any contract, you should seek your own legal counselâs
advice when interpreting your rights and obligations under
the Visual FoxPro End User License Agreement.

The URL has been posted at the Universal Thread with the following:

Ken Levy Posts VFP EULA Info April 26, 2003 11:26
From KenLevy: “I have been asked to post the following information on a few VFP community sites. I will not be commenting further on this issue. Thanks. Ken Levy, Visual FoxPro Product Manager, Microsoft”

Blogging Live From Essential FoxPro Keynote

Half the attendees were new this year, of 240 attendees.

VFP Road to Visual FoxPro 8.0

  • Base it on wish list customer feedbvack
  • Add new runtime features – end users
  • Enhance SQL Server connectivitity
  • Increase .NET interoperability
  • Maintain backward compatibility

Goals – Overview

  • Better smart / rich client (85% are desktop apps)
  • Improved Distributed client (XML .NET, SQL Server connectibity)
  • Improved Developer Productivity (new base classes, error handling)
  • Increase Discoverability (navigation, documentation) – Task Pane, ToolBox

New News Item: VFP 8.0 Localization –

  • VFP 8.0 Runtime Distribution Files
    German, Spanish, French, Russioan, Korean, Chinese
  • VFP 8.0 Development Version – English
  • This week: added the documentation to the Localization Kit.

Productivity Enhancement

  • – Taskpane
  • – Toolbox
  • – Empty Classs
  • – Add Property() an RemoveProperty()
  • – Collection Classs
  • – Structured Error Handling – TRY/CATCH/FINALLY
  • – Event Binding – BINDEVENT() and RAISEEVENT()

Productivity Enhancements

  • GetFile() dialog
  • Auto-increment
  • Table designer
  • View Designer
  • Child Member subclassing
  • VCX support for more classes
  • Many new features for Grid Control
  • Code References Tool

New Report Writer Features
Page x of Y (many more)


  • Beyond XMLtoCursor/CursorToXML
  • Hierarchical XML support
  • Multiple VFP data cursors to XML
  • XML to multuiple VFP data cursors
  • XML diffgrams
  • VFP data cursors, table, DBC
  • ADO.NET compatible
  • XMLTable and XML Field classes
  • Full control of XSDschema used
  • XML: The Universal Language

{Multi-language video showing Havier, and three other members of the development team explaining multiple data strategies in Russian, Hindu and Spanish – cute, but he had to explain it}

Cursor Adaptor Class

  • Similar to DataAdaptor in ADO.NET
    • -ADO/OLEDB
    • -ODBC
    • -Native VFP cursors
    • -XML and XML Web Services

  • Programmable events
  • Stored procedures control

New Data Features

  • DataEnvironement Subclassings
  • DataEnvironment Builder
  • CursorAdaptor Class
  • CursorAdaptor Builder
  • XMLAdaptor class
  • Form BindControls property
  • Enhanced VFP OLE DB Provider
  • VFP 8.0 and VS.NET interoperability

VFP 8.0 XML Web Services

  • WinForm
  • Phone
  • Pocket PC
  • Tablet PC

VFP 8.0 Performance
Loop of 10,000 instantiations of a custom object

in VFP 7.0: 24.5 seconds
in VFP 8.0: 0.45 seconds

Demo of FoxPro 8.0
– Toolbox

VFP 8.0 Features – laundry list of 14 bullet points in teeny fonts on features

VFP 8.0 and .NET

  • Works well with VS.NET
  • Greatly enhanced XML Support
  • XML Web service
  • VFP OLE DB Provider
  • ASP.NET web forms
  • .NET Windows forms
  • Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET
  • VFP and .net teams work together

VS .NET 2003 – released yesterday
(9 bullet points)

  • smart devices
  • web devices
  • .NET Framework 1.1
  • Deploying to Windows Server 2003
  • Easy migration from existing .NET Framework 1.0 appliacations
  • new managed data provides

Visual Studio Tools for Office
Extends .NET development to Office 2003
Developers using Visual Studeo 2003 can write code to run in Word and Excel

VFP Website – what’s new

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro
  • Coming soon: New VFP 8.0 Evaluation Guide
  • Consistency with related product sites
  • Updated VFP OLE DB Provider
  • VFP 8.0 samples, slides and tutorials
  • New VFP 8.0 Whitepapers
  • Task Pane, Toolbox, TabletPC

Biggest news week on the MSDN site, with the VS.NET release, VFP 8.0 is the top headline

Demo: MSDN VFP web site, GotDotNet, VFoxPro, Community Site

Video: Eric Rudder video endorsement (http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/vfp/)

Ken met with Eric on Monday and talked about features for Europa

  • New feature list/preview
  • – Background compile in the current line
  • – Dockable User Forms
  • – Anchor properties for controls
  • – Word-Wrap for CheckBox captions
  • – Array limit large that 65K
  • – Command Button Picture Spacing/Position
  • – Intellisense available in memo fields
  • – SELECT: >9 Joins, Multiple Nested Queries
  • – More designer hooks for extensibility
  • – Significant enhancements to Report Writer!!! (Appluase)

Demo: Line-by-line compile,
Anchor Properties let forms size “naturally” as expected in a form. 16 options vertical and horizontal for each control, Checkbox caption wrapping

Summary and Call to Action

  • Great new features in VFP 8.0
  • VFP 8/.0 works great with SQL Server
  • VFP 8.0 works great with VS .NET
  • Commitment to VFP and community
  • VFP 8.0 8.0 is the emost stable version ever
  • MSDN Subscriptions for professionals
  • Be active in FoxPro communtiy
  • Talk about VFP 8.0!!!


The SlashDot tidal wave subsides

Great bunch of activity on SlashDot. Always interesting to hear from the most vocal – not necessarily the most well-informed, but interesting nonetheless. My favorite comment:

VFP is unique among MS products in that regard. VB had a faithful following, but it was always too big and too loud and too contaminated by weekend “programmers” to have an effect over the company. VFP folks – they’re the Mujahedin of Microsoft users.

I’d prefer more of a parallel to the Fedaykin, but I’ll take it as a compliment, anyway.
382 comments on the main thread, 32 of them at level 4 or better.
220 on the followup thread with 14 of them at level 4 or better.

Catching up with Wine – the usual SlashDot double-post

From Catching up with Wine on Slashdot

Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday April 22, @09:08AM

from the now-isn’t-that-strange dept.

An anonymous reader writes “TransGaming’s announcement of the availability of WineX 3.0 got a lot of pixel dust, but that wasn’t the only recent news about WINE. The Microsoft monopoly also reached out to touch the project when Whil Hentzen, a leading proponent of Visual FoxPro (VFP) development on Linux, was contacted by an Microsoft manager and told it was a violation of the VFP EULA to run it on Linux.” I guess thats one way to stop emulation. update Oh well, its a dupe. Whatever, it gives people something to complain about I guess 😉

Go, Taco, Go!

It is a duplicate posting, but it does point to a new article on the subject from Joe Barr over at LinuxWorld.

CoDe Magazine Focus: Visual FoxPro 8.0

From FoxCentral.Net: CoDe Magazine Focus: Visual FoxPro 8.0. “This special edition of CoDe Magazine focusing entirely on Visual FoxPro 8.0 which was significantly subsidized by Microsoft. This 72 page issue of CoDe Magazine contains detailed articles on Visual FoxPro 8.0 to complement upcoming technical whitepapers and content coming soon to the MSDN Library and the http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro Visual FoxPro Web site. The content is technical resources for developers who are evaluating or using Visual FoxPro 8.0. And all the articles are online at http://code-magazine.com/focus.”

Hmm. I was surprised when I heard that a “special edition” of CoDE magazine was being issued, and that it was subsidized by Microsoft. While I know the authors, editor and publisher personally, and have no doubt about their personal integrity, the idea of creating a magazine that looks like your regular edition but is in fact paid for by one of your largest advertisers has to bring out questions of journalistic conflict-of-interest. In addition, I find it strange that Microsoft chose this one magazine, and did not fund similar rollout editions of the competition, FoxTalk or FoxPro Advisor. I’m looking forward to the magazine and how they addressed these issues.

Visual FoxPro 8.0 Featured on Microsoft PressPass

From FoxCentral.Net: Visual FoxPro 8.0 Featured on Microsoft PressPass. A detailed press announcement called New Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 Driven By Customer Feedback has been posted on Microsoft PressPass and submitted to journalists world-wide for education on Microsoft’s release of Visual FoxPro 8.0. The article contains quotes from Eric Rudder (senior vice president of the Developer and Platform Evangelism Division at Microsoft), Brian Jones (vice president of DPRA Inc.), and a brief case study of an award winning Visual FoxPro application.

Visual FoxPro Web Site Updated

From FoxCentral.Net: Visual FoxPro Web Site Updated. “The Microsoft Visual FoxPro Web site has been updated with new information and links for Visual FoxPro 8.0. There are weekly updates planned for the Visual FoxPro Web site and next month the following is just some of the content added for Visual FoxPro 8.0: New Evaluation Guide, new whitepapers, new sample downloads, updated free downloadable VFP 8.0 OLE DB provider with small enhancements from the version included in Visual FoxPro 8.0, and more. Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro for more details. “


The ongoing difficulties with interpreting the Visual FoxPro EULA have brought forth clearly the problems with End User Licensing Agreements and the rights of consumers.

Last week, as part of installing a new cable modem, the technician needed to install software on my machine to activate the modem (I ensured he did remove it afterwards). As part of the install, a great big page of 4 point legalese popped up, to which he just clicked “Agree” and continued. Now, who is obligated to that license? Not me. I never touched the machine. Not him, the license was probably addressed to the owner of the box. However, I am probably liable for it, and I’ve got a lot less money to hire lawyers to debate it than the cable company does.

In the two most recent versions of Visual FoxPro, a number of the rules have changed, and I am sure most VFP developers are not aware of the rule changes:

  • An upgrade now (in VFP8) requires that you uninstall the previous version of the software, nonsense to developer who need to support their customers. Link here, here and here.


  • VFP8 (and 7 as well, I believe) can only be distributed using their MSM files and the Microsoft Installer technology. This is a limit by license, and not a technological hurdle. Many developers install their applications by dragging and dropping a few DLLs and registering a few of them. This, and technology that competes with the Microsoft Installer technology, appears to be improper.



  • Microsoft runtime DLLs must run “in conjunction:” with the Microsoft Windows platform. I’m not sure what that means. On top of? On a machine with the OS installed (dual boot?)? Whil Hentzen’s taken the point postion on this question (as I blogged here and is waiting on an answer…



  • On the flip side, it looks like the IDE can be installed on non-Microsoft Windows platforms, a loophole I expect to be closed soon. Running VFP on Wine is here , here and here.



  • Finally, the ultimate question: is any of this enforceable? Can Microsoft tie their applications to their platform? Are EULAs and click-through licenses legal?

    This is not what I get paid by my clients to figure out, although perhaps it must be, for the duration. I suppose clients need to be just as careful to follow the terms of OSI licenses as well.


Visual Studio 6.0 EULA

Visual Studio 6 EULA. First Post: Since there seems to be a lot of concern over the changes to Microsoft’s EULA, especially in regard to added restrictions on runtime distributables, I’ve posted the EULA from Visual Studio 6.0, of which VFP 6.0 was a part, and thus governs VFP 6.0 usage. Note that there are no restrictions on distributing royalty-free runtimes to non-Windows platforms. You may draw your own conclusions about the reasons such restrictions were added in later releases.


Microsoft antitrust compliance

BusinessWeek Blowout on Wi-Fi. BusinessWeek devotes huge section to Wi-Fi: BusinessWeek devoted a whole host of articles to the subject of Wi-Fi, most circling around hot spots and cellular. One of the most succinct and excellent comments on the relationship of 3G cellular to Wi-Fi was in an interview with Nicholas Negroponte: If you give me broadband…[2-5 Mbp+]…I cannot really use it without devoting my fullest attention (which means my hands and eyes, not just my ears)…many of the issues that face cell-phone operators aren’t present (like hand-off). The problem is different. There really is room to cohabitate. Exactly! Oddly, Andy Reinhardt’s commentary in the same section ignores that critical difference. Wi-Fi can provide a virtual desktop experience: you can act not too far off from being in your office. 3G, even in its best possible incarnation in the next zero to two years, will be a slow data interchange format for making quick email retrievals and spooling, or for queuing data through slow pull (i.e., grab my email over the next 30 minutes as I drive to my destination). Some other good remarks– A T-Mobile exec on how Wi-Fi and cell differs: With cell phones we had to give people devices to use it. Here [with Wi-Fi], people already have the devices. We just give them new areas where they can log on…. [Wi-Fi Networking News]

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