Monday, September 30, 2002
Monday at the FoxPro DevCon, and no sessions to give today. Had a great day, and made it to a session every slot, sometimes two or three.
Spent the afternoon catching up with friends, beach-combing, and body surfing the really nice surf. Not a bad day.
Fun meeting last night. A great exchange of opinions and views.
Fortune magazine is coming to the conclusion that “ It turns out that the Linux doubters were wrong.” Interesting to read in a mainline publication. And in the same issue, a second columnist concludes “Sure, corporations could save millions by replacing all their Microsoft desktop licenses, but it’s doubtful the cost savings merit the hassle factor.” Wow. I wonder how it will all turn out.
I left my machine on while I was away from home, as it is now serving some shared files as servers are moved around. I came home to a blue screen and the “your machine isn’t fully ACPI compliant” message I’ve seen before. Must be a recent patch or new software – ZoneAlarm? and McAfee? come to mind. Hope it’s not time to reformat.