Archive | May, 2003

What is a Web Service?

Despite the BigCo’s attempts to hijack the definition of Web Services (note the capitalization), the fact is a web service (lowercase) is what we’ve been doing all along, whenever a response is generated from other than a static page. My RSS feeds are web services, even though they are once-an-hour updated XML pages available via http.

What is a Web Service?. The definition of what constitutes a Web Service has been a moving target for quite some time. This article on Loosely Coupled notes that Gartner have modified their definition once more. The article reads on to state that SOAP and/or BPEL are not required to build Web Services.” from the CapeBlog

There is an other side of the fence….

A ComputerWorld story, linked via OSNews, states:

The other side of the story, however, is that Win 2003 is the foundation for an entire wave of next-generation Microsoft products and feature upgrades that are coupled with the new platform. Without an upgrade, corporations can expect to be in a holding pattern.

A holding pattern? Hello? How about a migration plan? An escape plan? An alternative? Thinking different?

Analysis: Windows 2003: What’s Next? [OSNews]

CloudMark now wants you to pay for your free service. Hunh?

I endorsed CloudMark some time ago, before they let us in on their business plan to make money doing this. I had hoped that they were planning on marketing their database and services to businesses, in exchange for fees, while leaving their personal product free. A business with hundreds or thousands of users can easily show a good business case why their storage and bandwidth shouldn’t be consumed with spam. On the personal level, the justification is weaker. There certainly had been no hint during the “beta” that the product would have a fee after the testing period. Now that we’ve populated their database, they want us to pay $60 to continue to access it. With free competitors like SpamBayes available, I doubt they will succeed. Too bad, a good idea gone greedy.

Where’s the “but it will cost you” in the signature a friend uses?

I’ve stopped 29.254 spam messages. You can too!
Get your free, safe spam protection at

What is it about “free” I am misunderstanding?

Fees rile spam foes. Claiming they helped build a service that was supposed to be free, testers of Cloudmark’s spam-blocking system are protesting the finished version, which costs $60 per year. [CNET]

Feedback from WinHec

WinHec sounds like someplace a Bible-belter goes when the computer starts going haywire, but it is, in fact, a Microsoft conference on hardware. My favorite quote:

“We’re decomposing the user experience,” said Tom Phillips, general manager in the Windows hardware experience group at Microsoft

Microsoft’s un-grand design. CNET’s Michael Kanellos explains why the software company is scaling down its ambitions when it comes to convincing the rest of the computer industry to adopt design changes. [CNET]

New Microsoft e-mail worm

Let’s review the rules again, folks:

  1. Never ever EVER run a program from an untrusted source.
  2. There are no trusted sources.


Worm dupes with fake Microsoft address. A new e-mail worm, which feigns a origin, is spreading rapidly. Antivirus vendors say it can also spread via a LAN and can install spyware on a victim’s PC. [CNET]

Microsoft to license Unix code

As the plot ever thickens,… Microsoft announces a plan to license Unix code from SCO in this article:

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