FLOSSPro: Free/Libre Open Source Software for the Professional Developer
FLOSSPro™ is the name for a series of essays I’ll be developing, eventually leading to publication, either online or in dead-tree format or both. They are both an autobiographical journal of travels from there to here, and a set of tutorials and pointers to people following a similar path: starting in Windows, learning Linux and the associated technologies to generate web-based and rich-client applications using Open Source Software.
- Getting started with Linux: get a box and screw it up a couple of dozen times.
- Distributions: which to choose and why it doesn’t matter.
- LiveCDs, especially Knoppix
- Creating your first server: Samba
- Remote access: SSH
- Updating your server and monitoring logs
- Maintaining a server while learning as little as possible: WebMin
- Getting started with data: MySQL
- Publishing web pages with Apache
- Not So Stupid Shell Tricks: learning a little BASH.
- Save your changes (yes/no)? Using Subversion.
- Building a knowledgebase: wikis and forums