Archive | September, 2005

Randy Brown retires

FoxProWiki notes FoxTeam. Editor comments: Randy Brown – retired September 2005.

Congratulations, Randy! For those new(er) to Foxpro, Randy led a successful and remarkable life as a consultant before joining Microsoft as a Fox/Mac expert and author (Pros Talk Fox 2.5: FoxPro OLE and DDE, FoxPro Machete with Lisa Slater (now Nicholls), Doc Livingston and Andy Griebel.)

Best of luck in your future ventures, Randy!

Internet Content locked in a silo

Years ago, I posted slides and white papers from many Visual FoxPro conferences, and I’ve been adding to this as time allows. Recently, I’ve noticed that a number of the older slides from the years 1997-2001 cannot by viewed from most browsers. Attempting to open the link here, [Edit:bad link fixed] for example results in an error message “This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer… If you would like to proceed anyway, click here. ”

This “error” occurs in Safari 2.01, FireFox 1.06, and Camino 0.8. Opera 8.02 attempts to open the files, but ends up with a set of black-background frames with slide titles and broken graphic links but no content. IE6/Win opens and displays the content, with handy little widgets.

Looking under the hood, these are former PowerPoint presentations converted using a version of Microsoft Office. As time allows, I’ll reload the original presentations in and repost the slides in a format that all can use.

Computerworld iBook 14" review: adequate should not be an Apple adjective

Computerworld News posts Apple’s new 14-in. iBook; Mostly iLike. “Faster and more feature-laden, the newest iteration of Apple’s popular iBook line offers a lot for the casual user, says’s Ken Mingis. But a brighter screen and better keyboard wouldn’t hurt.”

Ken nails the two big flaws – the LCD and keyboard: “But when I buy an Apple product — any Apple product — I don’t want adequate. I want superb.”

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