A deeply disturbing image as I check to see who’s looking at my weblog today. It gets even weirder when I click on the picture of, yes, that’s Bill Gates, and I hear this. Creepy.
Archive | March 5, 2003
But can the boy play?
NY Times: “Let’s say you are the replacement for Jerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead. Your new job is to go in front of 20,000 fans and play music that they probably know better than you do.”
from Scripting News
Fiber to the Home – the new gold rush?
SmartLetter. David Isenberg’s new SMARTletter is terrific again. This one leads with the story of oil and applies it to the telephone system: If John D. Rockefeller were alive today, he would be building fiber to the home… And that David goes on to explain everything you need to know about how the future of telecommunications will unfold. Must reading. David has unearthed a graphic that’s astounding because of its source…. reposted from Joho the Blog