FoxCentral.Net RSS Subscription up and running in VFP 8.0!

Up and running. Seems like I had to add the MSXML4 and SOAP SDK files in order to get the web service to run correctly. So, now I have the first VFP 8 driven RSS subscription. Pretty cool!

The documentation was abyssmal. The VFP 8 help file stated that “If your application accesses only existing XML Web services, you must include only the SOAP Client merge module.” There is no such module, or at least no module with a name or description even close to that. Much as I dislike installing unneeded glorp on a production server, I tried MSXML4, the SOAP Toolkit 3.0 redistributables and finally the MSXML4 MSM module from the InstallShield package that came with VFP8. The latter seems to have done it, although we all know that the former bits probably left parts of their “upgrade” behind, so I can’t be sure it will always work with just the last step. It seems like there should be a better way to identify and resolve these dependencies.

The RSS file for is available for those who like to subscribe at Feedback would be welcomed!

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